132/Maryland Manual
T. Herbert Taylor, Assistant Director
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3819
Income Tax Division
George H. Spriggs, Jr., Director
James T. Swisher, Assistant Director
State Income Tax Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3441
Taxpayer Information: 269-3458
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201
Telephone: 383-3100 (Taxpayer Information)
TTY for Deaf, Baltimore Metro Area:
TTY for Deaf, Washington Metro Area:
9 Market Street
Cumberland 21502 Telephone: 7'H-2165
Dundalk Professional Center
Suite 500
40 South Dundalk Avenue
Dundalk 21222 Telephone: 284-8400
Professional Arts Building
5 Public Square
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 791-4776
330 St. John Street
Havre de Grace 21078 Telephone: 939-4600
Penn Silver Building, Suite 214
5408 Silver Hill Road
Forestville 20747 Telephone: 568-0222
Odd Fellows Building, Room 300
132 E. Main Street
Salisbury 21801 Telephone: 742-1256
Wheaton Plaza North Office Building
Suite LL6
Wheaton 20902 Telephone: 949-6030
TTY for Deaf: 949-6032
Md. Route 5 at Route 236
Mechanicsville 20659 Telephone: 884-4333
207 South 3rd St., Room 68
Denton 21629 Telephone: 479-4634
120 Broadway, Room 200
Centreville 21617 Telephone: 758-2910
100 West Patrick St., Room 2110
Frederick 21701 Telephone: 694-1982
3451 Courthouse Drive, Room 1067
Ellicott City 21043 Telephone: 455-8600
Miscellaneous Revenue Division
Benjamin T. Stehley, Director
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4985
License Bureau
George T. Gray, Chic/License Inspector
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3885
Abandoned Property Unit
John P. Mannion, Chief
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4984
Office of the Comptroller
Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller
J. Basil Wisner, Chief Deputy Comptroller
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3801
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3890
Retail Sales Tax Division
Stephen M. Cordi, Director
Linda L. Tanton, Assistant to Director
Thomas D. Taylor, Assistant to Director
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3838
Taxpayer Information: 383-3800
Room 305
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3001
9 Market Street
Cumberland 21502 Telephone: 777-2179
Professional Arts Building, Room 403
5 Public Square
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 791-4787
330 St. John Street
Havre de Grace 21078 Telephone: 939-4602
Odd Fellows Building, Room 100
132 E. Main Street
Salisbury 21801 Telephone: 742-1256
Penn Silver Building, Suite 214
5408 Silver Hill Road
Forestville 20747 Telephone: 568-1555