118/Maryland Manual
ANNE SCARLETT PERKINS, Democrat, District 44. Born in Baltimore, September
29, 1937. Attended Bryn Mawr School; Boston University, B.A., 1959; University of
Baltimore Law School, J.D., 1978. Attorney. Member, American, Maryland State,
and Baltimore City Bar Associations. Democratic State Central Committee, 1973-
1974; member, Citizens Advisory Board, Mayor's Coordinating Council on Criminal
Justice, 1974-1975. President, Maryland Conference of Social Concern, 1973-1975;
president, New Democratic Club, 2nd District, 1976-1977. Served on Boards of
Maryland Institute, College of Art; Citizens Planning and Housing Association;
Baltimore City Fair; Baltimore Center for Victims of Sexual Assault; Metropolitan Se-
nior Citizens Center; Family and Children's Society. Member, Housing Task Force;
Commission on Condominiums, Cooperatives, and Homeowners' Associations; Task
Force to Study Educational and Related Service Needs of Children in Juvenile Resi-
dential Institutions; Hall of Records Commission. Married; 3 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. Member, House Judiciary Committee. District office:
2541 St. Paul St., Baltimore 21218; tel. 243-3904. Annapolis office: 314 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3257.
FRANK B. PESCI, SR., Democrat, District 22. Born in Raritan, N.J., January 6,
1929. Seton Hall University, B.S., 1953; Catholic University of America, M.A., 1956;
Ph.D., 1963. University professor, higher education consultant. Member, Board of
Trustees, Prince George's Community College, 1969-1971 (vice-chairman, 1969-1970).
Member, Governor's Study Commission on the Structure and Governance of Educa-
tion, 1973-1975. Named to Outstanding Young Men of America, 1965; Outstanding
Educators of America, 1974. Member, House of Delegates since 1971; member, Con-
stitutional and Administrative Law Committee. Chairman, Appropriations Subcom-
mittee on Health and Education, 1973-1975; Appropriations Subcommittee on Gov-
ernment Operations, 1975-1977; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and the
Environment, 1977-1980. Member, Legislative Advisory Council, Southern Regional
Education Board, since 1975 (chairman, 1982-1983); Joint Budget and Audit Com-
mittee, since 1979. Chairman, Joint Oversight Committee on Deinstitutionalization,
1980-1982. Represents National Conference of State Legislatures on Board of Direc-
tors, National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, 1977-1983. Dis-
trict office: 8311 Fremont PI., New Carrollton 20784; tel. 577-8424. Annapolis office:
203-B Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841.3058.
WENDELL H. PHILLIPS, Democrat, District 41. Bom in Brooklyn, N.Y., Novem-
ber 19, 1934. Attended Westinghouse High School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Virginia
Union University, B.S.; Penn State University; Colgate-Rochester Divinity School,
M.Div.; University of Rochester. Ordained clergyman; pastor, Heritage United
Church of Christ. U.S. Civil Rights Commission Advisory Board, 1968-1970. Presi-
dent, Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, 1977—; delegate. First Conference of
Christians, Israelis, and Palestinians, 1976; past president, NAACP of Rochester,
N.Y. Active in Civil Rights movement. Married; 1 child. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1979; member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee.
District office: 3826 Liberty Heights Ave., Baltimore 21215; tel. 466-3098. Annapolis
office: 319 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3283.
MARK 0. PILCHARD, Democrat, District 38. Bora in Pocomoke City, March 20,
1924. Graduate of Stockton High School. Farmer and hybrid corn agent. County
Commissioner at large, Worcester County, 1966-1978 (president of Board, 1974-
1978). Past director, Maryland Pork Producers, Inc.; Crescent Lodge AF & AM of
Pocomoke, 32 degree Mason; Shriner; past president and life member, Pocomoke City
Jaycees; past vice-president, Maryland Junior Chamber of Commerce. Past director,
Voters, Inc.; past member, Shad Landing Recreational Committee; past president,
Delmarva Advisory Council; former member, Board of Directors, Maryland Associa-
tion of Counties; former member. Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of
Counties; member, Delmarva Water Transport Committee; member, Nassawango
Country Club. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates, 1959-1966,
and since 1979; member. Economic Matters Committee. District office: "Shimar,"
R.F.D. 3, Box 100, Pocomoke City 21851; tel. 632-0473. Annapolis office: 413 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3431.