files current. As with past issues of the Maryland Manual, Bill Jabine of the Department of Natural
Resources freely gave his time to assist in updating the Maryland At a Glance section. New informa-
tion for this part of the Manual was provided by Neil M. Shpritz, Division of Research, and Jim
Devine, Division of Public Affairs, both of the Department of Economic and Community Develop-
ment. Willard Morris of the State Administrative Board of Election Laws provided necessary election
returns in a timely fashion, and permitted us to print the valuable information on voter turnout for the
1980 primary and general elections. William S. Ratchford II, Director of the Department of Fiscal Ser-
. vices, was helpful as always in fleshing out the section on legislative agencies. William H. Adkins II
and his staff at the Administrative Office of the Courts were unfailingly courteous and prompt in re-
solving questions that arose with respect to the judiciary. Information on Maryland cities and towns
was provided by Don Stickles of the Maryland Municipal League, and we would like to thank Leigh
Sands, Clerk of the Caroline County Board of Commissioners, for her thorough work on compiling in-
formation for that county.
Composition of this book was accomplished with minimal delay and at a very advantageous price by
International Computaprint Corporation, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. We owe our account man-
ager, Eileen Pancoast, and especially Jay Tomb, who worked closely with us on a daily basis, a tre-
mendous debt of gratitude for their patience, care, and professionalism.
Finally, most of the artwook in this Manual was prepared by Severn Graphics, Inc., of Glen Burnie.
The new organizational charts for the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch are
based on those by Shirley Blann, which appeared in the Legislator's Guide to the Maryland State Gov-
ernment (Annapolis: Department of Fiscal Services, 1978). Artwork-for the seals of Maryland counties
and Baltimore City was prepared by Julia Jones Bryan from original color art generously supplied by
Frederick T. Wehr, author of Flags and Seals of Maryland and of the United States (Baltimore, 1975).
The cover design, as well as much of the layout of the text, was the creation of Carleton "B" Hayek of
the Department of General Services. "B" Hayek also assumed responsibility for cropping photographs
and artwork, for which we are most appreciative.
It is impossible to thank by name all of the hundreds of people throughout the State of Maryland
who contributed to this edition of the Maryland Manual. The Hall of Records has compiled the Man-
ual for over forty years. What is good about the book is to a large extent due to help we receive from
outside our agency, because to date it has not been possible to establish a permanent editorial staff to
handle the work of constantly updating and preparing information for each successive edition. It is our
hope that at some point in the near future one or more staff positions can be created to undertake on a
full-time basis the compilation of the Maryland Manual and other Hall of Records publications. This
would enable us to exercise much greater editorial control and to increase the amount of original de-
scriptive material in the Manual. While it remains necessary for us to allocate resources from our
existing staff to produce the Manual every two years, however, we must continue to rely on a host of
government officials who patiently respond to our questionnaires and telephone calls for the bulk of
the information contained in the Manual, and to all of them we express our deepest appreciation.
Annapolis, Maryland Gregory A. Stiverson, Editor
13 December 1980 Edward C. Papenfuse, Managing Editor