portance with the last two editions of the Manual, and better designed pages, improved running heads,
and new graphics did enhance the book's readability and facilitate reader access to information. The
last Manual was also the first to be keyboarded on in-house text editing equipment, which permits
quick and inexpensive manipulation of material. The advantages of using text-editing equipment for
the Manual were only fully realized with this edition, because certain large sections of the book could
be revised in only a fraction of the time that normally would have been required. In addition, since the
Manual could be delivered to a compositor on preceded, nine-track magnetic tape, the costs of compo-
sition were greatly reduced over conventional typesetting.
Since design improvements and inputting the Manual file onto text-editing equipment had been ac-
complished with the last Manual, with this edition we were able to concentrate on other changes to
enhance the utility of the book. This effort resulted in the addition of several new sections and the ex-
pansion of others. Maryland At A Glance has been augmented to provide in a succinct format addi-
tional pertinent data on Maryland as a whole, and a new Capsule Chronology of important dates in
the history of Maryland government has been added. The Legislature section now begins with a block
of frequently-called telephone numbers, and the section devoted to legislative committees has been re-
organized for greater clarity. For the first time biographical sketches and photographs of each depart-
ment secretary have been included. Both the Executive Commissions and Independent Agencies sec-
tions conclude with a description of those bodies that have completed their task or otherwise ceased to
function since the last Manual was published. Also included are those executive task forces and study
committees that were appointed after the last Manual went to the press but which completed their as-
signment prior to the cutoff date for inclusion in this Manual. Considerable additional information has
been added to the section devoted to Maryland Counties and Baltimore City, and charts indicating
voter turnout have been included for the first time in the section on Election Returns. Biographies and
photographs of the members of the Maryland delegation in the U.S. Congress have been added, as
well as biographical sketches of the Maryland members on the federal bench.
Because the Maryland Manual is consulted by such a diverse readership, we are always grateful
when people contact us concerning additions, corrections, or suggestions for material to be included in
future editions. The cost of adding new material must be carefully weighed, but frequently valuable
suggestions are made by readers that would not occur to the staff responsible for compiling the Manu-
al. Such was the case with the list of public airports in Maryland, which appears for the first time in
this edition and which was suggested by Brad Davidson, vice-president of M. S. Blackistone & Associ-
ates of Annapolis. We urge anyone who has suggestions for future issues to contact us in care of the
Maryland Manual, P.O. Box 828, Annapolis, Maryland 21404. We also maintain current information
on all departments and agencies included in the Manual, and a special telephone number has been
established to provide reference assistance to persons needing information not available in the current
edition of the Manual. The Maryland Manual information number is 269-3917, or for telephones in the
State system, MARCOM 224-3917.
More than in the compilation of virtually any other type of book, the editors of a manual such as
this are indebted to a host of individuals, most of whom because of space limitations, lapsed memory,
or unintentional oversight are not formally acknowledged. We would, however, like to specifically
mention the support provided by our own Department of General Services, particularly from Secretary
J. Max Millstone, Deputy Secretary Jerome W. Klasmeier, Robin J. Zee, Director of the Office of Cen-
tral Services, and the personnel in the Printing and Publications Department. We also wish to ac-
knowledge the assistance of Professor George H Callcott of the University of Maryland for his contri-
butions to the Capsule Chronology and for his suggestions that resulted in an overall shortening of the
book. Lois Green Carr, Historian for the St. Mary's City Commission, and Phebe R. Jacobsen, senior
archivist at the Hall of Records, also contributed to the Capsule Chronology. F. Carvel Payne, Direc-
tor of the State Department of Legislative Reference, contributed the essays on the General Assembly
sessions of 1979 and 1980, and Dee Ballard, a member of his staff, was helpful in sorting out the new
telephone numbers for legislative agencies. Tricia L. Stanton, from the Office of the Assistant to the
President and the Speaker, was most gracious in providing the new telephone numbers for legislators.
Since work on the Maryland Manual is not complete until it is distributed, we would like to acknowl-
edge the valuable assistance rendered in distributing the last Manual to the legislature by Orin J.
Durey, Assistant to the President and Speaker, and by Anna Sakers from the General Assembly Mail
Room. Ms. Sakers and Ginger Lambros, as well as Margaret W. Lee, chief Clerk for the Executive
Department, have also been most helpful in forwarding to us materials that help us keep our Manual