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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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780/Maryland Manual







VandeVisser, Barbara ........

............ 472

Wah, Ann ............

................ 475

Vandevisser, Robert S. ........

............ 472

Wahl, Blanche G. .......

......... 385, 419, 459

Vandiver, Murray ...........

........ .613,616

Waingold, George .......

................ 452

Vannort, William J. ..........

............ 610

Wainwright, Carolyn . . . . .

................ 461

Vansant, Joshua ............

..... 621, 628, 632

Wainwright, Ronnie . . . . .

................ 329

Varga, Leslie ..............

............ 297

Wakefield, Donald K. . . . .

................ 464

Varley, Ellen N. ............

............ 462

Walbeck, Eric S. ........

................ 160

Vaughan, Charles B., Mrs. . . . . .

............ 149

Walbert, Margaret ......

................ 512

Vaughn, Gary .............

............ 469

Walbert, Norris J. .......

................ 159

Vauls, Travis W. ............

............ 392

Walburn, Helen ........

................ 452

Veazey, Edward ............

............ 607

Waldecker, William C., Jr. .

................ 434

Veazey, Mary ..............

............ 607

Walden, Celonia B. ......

................ 498

Veazey, Thomas W. ..........

........ .607, 612

Walden, Harold ........

................ 298

Vecera, Vincent J. ...........

............ 622

Walden, Matilda J. ......

................ 506

Veditz, Harry A. ............

............ 224

Walder, Leopold 0. ......

................ 192

Velthuis, Adrian E. ..........

............ 186

Waldrop, Fred E. .......

......... 388, 419, 464

Veltre, Francis A. ...........

............ 187

Wales, James M. ........

................ 346

Vergara, William C. .........

............ 351

Walker, Allan ..........

................ 184

Verrazano, Giovanni da .......

............. .6

Walker, Grover K. ......

............ .133, 506

Vettori, Paul M. ............

............ 168

Walker, Harry F. .......

............ .195, 305

Vicarini, Norman L. .........

............ 363

Walker, Howard ........

................ 520

Vickers, George ............

........ .624,625

Walker, Jennifer A. ......

................ 357

Vickers, Walter, Jr. ..........

............ 392

Walker, Overton B. ......

................ 539

Vincendiere, Adelaide ........

............ 607

Walker, Raymond .......

................ 451

Vincent, H. Edward .........

............ 369

Walker, Robert L. .......

................ 460

Vinovich, Mary R. ..........

............ 510

Walkup, Mary Roe ......

............. 500, 501

Vinson, Hugh Carter .........

............ 440

Wall, Paul R. ..........

................ 300

Vinton, Stanley E. ...........

............ 217

Wall, Thomas ..........

................ 528

Vislosky, Andrew ...........

............ 510

Wallace, Carol .........

................ 504

Vislosky, Andrew M. .........

............ 374

Wallace, Charles ........

................ 611

Voelkel, Robert E., Jr. ........

............ 298

Walle, Donald K. .......

................ 508

Vogel, R. Douglas ..........

............ 516

Wallace, Dorothy Meeker .

................ 226

Vogel, Robert M. ...........

............ 150

Wallace, Eleanor Lee . . . . .

................ 607

Volens, Stanley J. ...........

............ 498

Wallace, James .........

................ 621

Volk, Michael I. ............

.......... 33, 36

Wallace, Mary .........

................ 607

Volkman, Judy .............

............ 186

Wallace, Norman .......

................ 452

Volland, Louis W. ...........

............ 229

Wallace, Robert S. ......

................ 436

Vollmer, Henry ............

............ 319

Wallin, Howard E. ......

................ 390

Volman, Jerry .............

............ 482

Wallis, W. Robert .......

................ 226

Votta, John J. .............

............ 497

Walls, Kendra L. .......

................ 506





Walls, Robert ..........

................ 540





Waliup, Douglas, Mrs. . . . .

................ 520

Wachter, Frank C. ..........

............ 629

Walsh, Frank B. ........

................ 347

Wachter, John R. ...........

............ 154

Walsh, Gerald .........

................ 297

Wachter, Leigh H. ..........

............ 498

Walsh, John E. .........

................ 483

Wacks, Ray ...............

............ 497

Walsh, Larry ..........

................ 272

Wade, Donald R. ...........

............ 451

Walsh, Lawrence J. ......

................ 467

Wade, Prank B., Jr. ..........

............ 540

Walsh, Maryann ........

................ 472

Wade, L. Ronald ...........

............ 485

Walsh, Thomas Yates . . . .

................ 628

Wadkovsky, Basil ...........

......... 354, 500

Walsh, William .........

...... 348, 394, 621, 628

Waesche, L. Randolph, Jr. . . . . .

............ 489

Walsh, William C. .......

............ .617, 619

Waesche, Randy ............

............ 487

Waltemire, Mary Ellen . . .

................ 523

Wagaman, Charles F., Jr. ......

..... 343, 522, 523

Walter, Carl G. ........

................ 483

Wagandt, Charles L. .........

......... 149, 622

Walter, Olga ..........

................ 482

Waggaman, Henry ..........

............ 623

Walter, Paul ...........

............ .186, 341

Wagner, Barbara McC. .......

............ 455

Walters, Ben D. ........

................ 313

Wagner, Carl ..............

............ 517

Walters, G. Richard . . . . .

................ 501

Wagner, Claude, Jr. ..........

............ 492

Walters, Henry P. .......

............. 347, 392

Wagner, Cynthia T. ..........

............ 466

Walters, Richard .......

................. 475

Wagner, David A. ...........

........ .281,435

Walters, Roger J. ......

................. 186

Wagner, Henry N., Jr. ........

............ 300

Waltz, Bob ..........

................. 489

Wagner, Peter E. ...........

............ 358

Wanty, Vemon ........

............. .182, 465

Wagner, William ............

............ 136

Wantz, Richard G. .....

................. 523

Wagoner, William B. .........

............ 515

Waranch, Judith S. .....

............. .115, 143

Wagonheim, Ida J. ..........

............ 621

Ward, Brenda C. .......

.................. 28


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