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Name Index/779

Travel's, Carolyn .........

............... 506

Turner, James ...........

................ 627

Travers, Darley ..........

............... 526

Turner, John ..........

................ 620

Travers, Walter L. ........

............... 484

Turner, Katharine .......

................ 481

Travers, William H. ......

............... 616

Turner, Patricia F. ......

................ 465

Travesky, Marie B. .......

............... 366

Turner, Roy S. ..........

................ 182

Travieso, Bonnie .........

............... 114

Turner, Samuel .........

................ 612

Travillian, Maurice .......

............... 294

Turner, William ........

................ 470

Travis, Richard N. .......

............... 440

Turner, Zephaniah ......

................ 623

Trees, George L. .........


Turney, Jack R. ........

................ 491

Tregoning, Douglas .......

............... 506

Tustian, Richard E. ......

............. 373, 505

Tressler, Charles H. .......

............... 538

Tutton, William, Jr. ......

................ 115

Treuth, Vemon L., Jr. .....

............... 136

Tydings, Joseph D. ......

............ .357, 625

Trexler, Edwin J. ........

............... 275

Tydings, Millard E. ......

......... 616, 625, 629

Trexler, James W. ........

............... 511

Tydings, Warren E. ......

................ 251

Tribbett, David F. ........

............... 473

Tyier, Julian C. .........

................ 518

Trice, Jeanne H. .........

............... 471

Tynes, Donald, Sr. ......

......... 105, 245, 296

Trice, Thomas L., Ill .....

............... 471





Triesize, Ellis ...........

............... 453





Tumble, Hugh B. ........

............... 241

Udel, Florence .........

................ 394

Trimble, William C., Jr. ....

................ 37

Uhler, Richard A. .......

................ 465

Trimmer, Donald L. ......

............... 487

Uhrig, Ruth ...........

................ 392

Trimper, Granville .......

............... 528

Ulewicz, Gayle S. .......

................ 197

Trippe, Henry V. ........

............... 519

Ulle, Margaret B. .......

............ .195, 296

Trippe, James McC. ......

............... 616

Ulm, Daniel ...........

................ 526

Tross, Dorothy W. .......

............... 226

Ulrich, Catherine B. .....

................ 621

Truby, T. James .........

............... 282

Ulrich, John L., Jr. ......

................ 117

Trueman, H. Gordon .....

.. . . .213, 273, 468, 469

Ulrich, Patrick J. .......

............ .435, 478

Truitt, Alfred T., Jr. ......

. .... 382, 409, 484, 524

Umbarger, Worley N. ....

................ 496

Truitt, Dallas G. .........

........... .185, 308

Unangest, Owen C. ......

................ 490

Truitt, Gerald B. .........

............... 442

Underbill, Nancy .......

................ 315

Truitt, Gerald B., Jr. ......

............... 132

Underwood, Sarah T. ....

................ 505

Truitt, James ...........

............... 328

Unger, V. Edwin ........

............ .233, 235

Truitt, James F., Jr. ......

........... .245, 248

Upshur, George M. ......

................ 616

Truitt, James F. .........

............... 116

Upton, Jack G. .........

................ 468

Truitt, Joan H. ..........

............... 437

Urban, Beth J. .........

................ 186

Trumbauer, Joseph W. .....

............... 518

Urie, William A. ........

............ .217, 292

Trumbetas, Louise .......

............... 293

Umer, Hammond .......

................ 617

Trump, Benjamin F. ......

........... .181, 201

Urner, John H. .........

................ 392

Trump, Phyllis Knox ......

............... 191

Umer, Milton G. .......

................ 628

Trunzo, Judith D. ........

............... 155

Urquhart, Georgine ......

................ 608

Tublin, Ira N. ..........

............... 199

Usilton, Margaret D. .....

................ 213

Tuck, William H. ........

........ 616, 617, 620

Utermohle, C. Edward, Jr. .

................ 351

Tucker, Edith E. .........

............... 489

Utz, Edward ..........

............. 388, 493

Tucker, W. Howard ......

............... 498





Tull, Miles T. ...........

............... 613





Tully, Edward ..........

............... 299

Vacura, Gordon W. ......

................ 129

Tully, Edwin R. .........

........... .251,267

Valentine, Douglas A. ....

................ 524

Tumbusch, Lilliam .......

............ 392, 523

Valentine, Wilbur G. .....

................ 357

Tumbusch, Wilfred T. .....

............... 181

Valianti, Romeo L. ......

................ 107

Tuminello, James C. ......

............... 194

Valis, Stephen J. ........

................ 496

Turem, Jerry S. ..........

............... 504

Vallandingham, J. Bernard .

................ 489

Turk, Morris ...........

........ 384, 409, 454

Vallario, Joseph F. ......

........... 44, 98, 273

Turk, Richard H. ........

............... 295

Valle, Francis J. ........

................ 368

Turner, Betty B. .........

............... 437

Valliant, James .........

................ 620

Turner, C. Rutledge ......

........... .440, 485

Valliant, James A. .......

................ 308

Turner, Carmen E. .......

............... 366

Valliant, Jeremiah .......

................ 233

Turner, Edward .........

............... 235

Valliant, Robert M. ......

................ 520

Turner, Edzel ...........

............... 520

Van Breeman, Veme, Mrs. .

................ 525

Turner, Elbert ..........

............... 469

Van de Bussche, Thomas . .

................ 476

Turner, Frank Keech ......

............... 481

Van Home, Archibald ....

............ .616, 626

Turner, H. Mebane .......

............ 357, 460

Van Hilst, Annette ......

................ 523

Turner, Hayward M. A. ....

........... .316, 520

Van Wagoner, Robert L. . .

............ .257, 267

Turner, Henry P. ........

. . . . . 195, 256, 261, 336

Vanderford, Virginia N. . . .

................ 468

Turner, J. Frank .........

............... 614

Vanderhoff, Larry N. ....

................ 358

Turner, J. Frank .........

............... 618

Vanderpool, Robert E. ...

................ 520


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