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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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Name Index/765

Powell, Eimo ..........

................ 518

Prouty, John A. .............

........... 135

Powell, Evelyn .........

................ 452

Prouty, Margaret G. ..........

........... 129

Powell, G. Burton .......

................ 479

Provencal, Joseph ............

........... 441

Powell, L. Q. ..........

................ 346

Provenza, Vincent D. ..........

........... 184

Powell, Lewis ..........

................ 363

Pruitt, Alma T. ..............

........... 528

Powell, Patricia .........

................ 496

Pryor, Raymond E. ...........

........... 347

Powell, Roland E. .......

............ .213, 527

Pugh, Catherine .............

........... 349

Powell, Royden N., Jr. ...

................ 512

Pugh, Francis X. .............

. . .. 115, 217, 292

Power, Garrett .........

................ 237

Pugh, Joseph B. .............

........... 620

Powers, Charles ........

................ 512

Pugh, Judith A. .............

........... 480

Powers, Jerrold V. ......

............ .391,618

Pugh, Melville W., Jr. .........

........... 466

Powers, Ralph W., Jr. ....

................ 392

Pugh, Michael R. ............

........... 479

Powers, Ralph W. .......

................ 622

Pugh, Rosalyn E. ............

........... 436

Pratt, John Wilkes ......

................ 607

Pula, Mike .................

........... 491

Pratt, Thomas G. .......

......... 607, 612, 624

Pullen, Thomas G., Jr. .........

........... 622

Prattis, Charles M. ......

................ 472

Pumphrey, C. Merritt .........

........... 497

Preis, Mary Louise ......

................ 494

Pumphrey, Dee ..............

........... 455

Preller, David J., Sr. .....

................ 460

Pumphrey, Linton ............

........... 455

Prentice, Kenneth W. ....

................ 187

Pumroy, Donald K. ..........

........... 192

Presby, John P. ........

................ 442

Puncke, Martin M. ...........

........... 337

Prescott, Stedman .......

............ .617, 618

Purdy, Henry H. .............

........... 520

Pressman, Carl .........

................ 453

Pumell, Alberta .............

........... 484

Pressman, Hyman A. .....

...... 459, 460, 462, 610

Purnell, George W. ...........

........... 612

Pressman, Maurice J. .....

................ 368

Pumell, J. Hurst .............

........... 149

Presstman, Benjamin C. ...

................ 620

Pumell, John R. .............

........... 392

Preston, Donald ........

................ 494

Pumell, Orlando M. ..........

........... 517

Preston, Jacob A. .......

................ 627

Pumell, Robert J. ............

....... .517, 518

Preston, James H. .......

............ .616, 632

Pumell, William Henry ........

........... 614

Preston, Joan L. ........

................ 496

Pumell, William T. ...........

........... 620

Preston, Leroy W. .......

................ 392

Puryear, Raymond M. .........

........... 186

Preston, Mary Ridgely ....

................ 608

Pusey, Ellen P. ..............

........... 526

Preston, William P. ......

................ 628

Pusin, Muriel L. .............

........... 466

Prettyman, Daniel T. .....

...... 293, 382, 408, 527

Puskar, Paul ................

........... 186

Price, Allen B. .........

................ 501

Putnam, Charles .............

........... 169

Price, Arthur B., Jr. .....

............ .275, 280

Pyers, Clyde E. ..............

........... 275

Price, Arthur E. ........

................ 106

Pyles, Victor A., Ill ..........

........... 223

Price, Bruce K. .........

................ 622





Price, Carlton L. ........

................ 455





Price, Donald ..........

................ 501

Quade, John W. .............

...... 44, 90, 273

Price, Donald M. .......

............ .517, 518

Quann, Patricia ..............

....... .254, 258

Price, Floyd W. ........

................ 501

Quarles, Benjamin ............

........... 148

Price, Jesse D. .........

............ .615, 629

Quarles, Ralph T. ............

........... 191

Price, Joan ............

................ 473

Queen, Mary ...............

........... 482

Price, Joyce M. .........

................ 520

Quick, George A. ............

........... 231

Price, Louise ..........

................ 501

Quille, Allen ...............

........... 341

Price, Mahlon D. .......

................ 518

Quillen, Judy ...............

........... 528

Price, Nancy B. ........

................ 199

Quillin, Jennings .............

........... 528

Price, Pauline ..........

................ 504

Quimby, Alfred P. ............

....... .437, 520

Price, William H., II .....

................ 391

Quimby, Helen ..............

........... 512

Prideaux, Joshua ........

................ 612

Quinn, Gerald J. .............

........... 541

Prinkey, Kenneth M. .....

................ 259

Quinn, John Randolph ........

........... 613

Prior, Robert C. ........

................ 478

Quinn, Joseph D. ............

........... 310

Pritchard, Donald .......

................ 233

Quinn, Lois A. ..............

........... 206

Pritchett, Charles G. .....

................ 520

Quinn, Olive W. .............

....... .263, 264

Pritchett, Morgan H. .....

................ 149

Quinn, Pamela B. ............

........... 115

Pritchett, Norman L. .....

................ 507





Procaccini, Joseph .......

............ .272,437





Proctor, Elizabeth C. .....

................ 150

Rabenold, Peter .............

........... 344

Proctor, J. Hugh ........

................ 149

Rabin, Joel J. ...............

....... .115, 205

Proctor, Kenneth C. .....

............ .225, 391

Raby, Byrd J. ...............

........... 344

Proctor, Ruth ..........

................ 506

Racz, Edmund ..............

........... 537

Prodonovich, Paul .......

................ 523

Radcliffe, George L. ..........

....... .613, 625

Prosterman, Beatryee L. ...

................ 150

Radcliffe, George M. ..........

........... 366

Proudfoot, 0. Delbert ....

................ 452

Rader, Rebecca L. ...........

........... 485

Prout, Isaac Winterson . . .

................ 457

Rader, Robert D. ............

........... 108


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