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764/Maryland Manual







Phillips, George McK. .....

............... 469

Planner, Charles .......

................. 472

Phillips, Guy Steele .......

............... 485

Plante, Carole A. ......

................. 441

Phillips, James ..........

............... 195

Plater, George ........

. ...605, 606, 615, 622, 623

Phillips, John W., Jr. ......

............... 437

Plater, George Bowles . . .

................. 606

Phillips, Richard .........

............... 528

Plater, Thomas ........

................. 626

Phillips, Robert W. .......

............... 224

Platman, Stanley R. ....

....... 167, 170, 195, 295

Phillips, Theodore ........

............... 484

Platt, Steven I. ........

................. 507

Phillips, Vernon .........

............... 526

Pleasants, J. Hall ......

................. 621

Phillips, Wendell H. ......

............. 46, 89

Plitt, Emory A., Jr. .....

............. .116, 251

Philpot, Francis G. .......

............... 451

Plumhoff, J. Earle ......

................. 392

Phipps, Louis N., Jr. ......

............... 233

Plummer, Adam .......

................. 235

Phipps, Louis N. .........

............... 247

Plummer, Clayton R. ...

................. 298

Phipps, Margaret H. ......

............... 468

Plummer, Dorothy .....

................. 469

Phoebus, Edward G. ......

............... 180

Plummer, Harold B. ....

................. 472

Phoebus, I. Theodore ......

............... 517

Plummer, Robert ......

................. 392

Pianowski, Stanley .......

............... 467

Poe, Edgar Allan ......

................. 619

Piasecki, Philip ..........

............... 170

Poe, John P. ..........

................. 619

Pica, John A., Jr. ........

............. 47,90

Poist, Charlton L. ......

................. 479

Pickett, Marcus B. .......

............... 474

Poist, Donald N,, Sr. . . . .

................. 540

Pickett, Merhle P. ........

............... 499

Pokrass, Frederick R. ...

................. 172

Pickus, Joseph ..........

............... 259

Pokrywka, Benedict A. . .

................. 392

Pierce, Christy ..........

............... 472

Polakoff, Murray E. ....

................. 358

Pierce, Franklin .........

............... 631

Polan, Alvin ..........

................. 186

Pierce, Robert W. ........

............... 193

Poland, James ........

................. 190

Pierpont, Ross Z. ........

............... 168

Pole, George .........

................. 621

Pierson, George W. H. .....

............... 344

Polis, Harry ..........

................. 299

Pierson, Thomas E. .......

............... 231

Polk, Esther Winder ....

................. 607

Pike, Mary E. ...........

............... 214

Polk, Josiah ..........

................. 611

Pilchard, Mark 0. ........

.......... 46, 90, 316

Polk, Norman ........

................. 392

Pillas, Diana ...........

............... 195

Polk, William .........

................. 616

Pinckens, Blakely ........

............... 472

Pollitt, Richard M. .....

.......... 382, 407, 524

Pinckett, W. Howard ......

............... 142

Pollitt, Richard M., Jr. . .

............. .437, 518

Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth

............... 631

Polowy, Carolyn I. .....

................. 333

Pinckney, Thomas ........

............... 631

Polski, Norman .......

................. 117

Pinder, David T. .........

............... 478

Polt, Leslie J. .........

.................. 37

Pinder, Earl H. ..........

............... 500

Pomerleau, Donald D. . . .

....... 267, 314, 336, 460

Pinder, Irvin ...........

............... 513

Pondo, Patricia ........

................. 466

Pinder, Kathryn N. .......

............... 500

Poole, Daniel C. .......

............. .489,490

Pinderhughes, Alice .......

........... .114, 168

Poole, Stanley L. .......

................. 508

Pine, James A. ..........

............... 348

Poole, Terry ..........

................. 490

Pines, Joseph I. ..........

..... 384, 407, 458, 579

Pope, James R. ........

................. 510

Pines, Marion W. ........

........... .213, 215

Pope, William W. ......

................. 491

Pinkard, Walter D. .......

............... 332

Portale, Cynthia .......

................. 486

Pinkett, Leslie H. ........

............... 300

Portee, Richard .......

................. 515

Pinkney, Einora M. .......

............... 482

Porter, James .........

................. 474

Pinkney, Isabella .........

............... 608

Porter, Margaret Aurelia .

................. 609

Pinkney, Jonathan ........

............... 613

Porter, Merlin ........

................. 489

Pinkney, William ........

. 611, 618, 623, 624, 626,

Porter, Prentiss ........

............. .469, 470




Porter, William ........

................. 526

Pinto, Alcides ...........

............... 212

Forth, Alfred M. .......

................. 368

Pinto, Edward ..........

............... 525

Poscover, Benjamin F. . . .

................. 466

Pinto, Robert A., Jr. ......

............... 518

Potter, Cheryl .........

................. 182

Piper, Elizabeth K. .......

............... 228

Potter, Donald W. .....

.............. 245, 247

Piper, Jurgen ...........

............... 488

Potter, John ..........

................. 525

Pippin, J. Edwin .........

............... 333

Potter, L. JoAnn .......

................. 182

Pippin, James 0., Jr. ......

............... 392

Potter, Nathaniel ......

................. 619

Pistel, Harry J. ..........

............... 466

Potter, Neal ..........

.......... 343, 503, 505

Pitcher, Charles W. .......

............... 435

Potter, William ........

................. 612

Pitkin, Joan ............

.......... 44, 90, 201

Potts, Arthur .........

................. 315

Pittinger, Frank .........

............... 472

Potts, Charlotte J. ......

................. 501

Pittle, R. David .........

............... 504

Potts, Richard ........

.......... 616, 622, 623

Pitts, John L., Jr. ........

............... 179

Powell, Annabelle ......

................. 487

Pitzen, Basil ............

............... 469

Powell, Austin C. ......

................. 435

Plank, Jayne H. .........

............... 538

Powell, E. June ........

................. 466

Plank, Thomas E. ........

............... 114

Powell, Edwin ........

................. 154


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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