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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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Name Index/721

Boulter, Charles E. ......

................ 501

Boyles, Henry B. ..............

.......... 622

Bounds, Edward R. ......

................ 528

Boyter, H. David .............

...... .185, 499

Bounds, Roland R. ......

................ 499

Bozick, Peter A. ..............

.... .44, 55, 310

Bounds, W. Ronald ......

................ 442

Bozman, Carlos ..............

.......... 517

Bourexis, Brooke ........

................ 475

Bozman, K. Bennett ...........

.......... 527

Bourland, Orley R., Jr. ...

................ 542

Bozman, Mabel ..............

.......... 518

Bourne, Earl ..........

................ 468

Bozman, Maurice W. ...........

.......... 357

Bourne, U. G., Jr. .......

................ 487

Bozman, 0. Melvin ............

.......... 518

Boutin. Charles R. ......

................ 494

Bozman, Walton ..............

.......... 525

Bovard, Richard P. ......

................ 453

Bozman, Wayne .............

........... 518

Bowen, Amos ..........

................ 470

Bracher, Daniel S. ............

........... 489

Bowen, Ellen ..........

................ 470

Brackett, Pearl Cole ..........

........... 392

Bowen, George .........

................ 470

Braden, J. Donald ............

........... 512

Bowen, Jessie Jo ........

................ 468

Bradford, Augustus W. .........

........... 608

Bowen, Lowell R. .......

............. .37, 391

Bradford, David .............

........... 618

Bowen, Miller .........

...389, 401, 412, 451, 468

Bradford, James .............

........... 457

Bowen, Perry G., Jr. .....

................ 384

Bradford, Samuel ............

........... 608

Bower, Frederick J. ......

................ 435

Bradford, William H., Jr. .......

........... 436

Bower, Lawrence R. .....

................ 191

Bradley, Clinton S., Ill ........

....... .519, 520

Bowers, David .........

................ 199

Bradley, Leiand C. ...........

........... 198

Bowers, Ronald L. ......

............. 522, 523

Bradley, Stephen J. ...........

........... 621

Bowers, Thomas ........

................ 476

Bradley, Thomas M. ..........

. . . . 205, 213, 223

Bowie, A. Gwynn, Jr. ....

................ 116

Bradshaw, J. Douglas .........

........... 622

Bowie, Allen ..........

................ 620

Bradshaw, Richard ...........

........... 517

Bowie, Fielder .........

................ 623

Brady, Elsie ................

........... 491

Bowie, Oden ..........

...... .27, 165,608, 610

Brady, George E. ............

........... 435

Bowie, Richard Johns ....

......... 617, 618, 628

Brady, George E., Jr. ..........

........... 492

Bowie, Robert .........

................ 606

Brady, Rita ................

........... 614

Bowie, Robert R. .......

................ 391

Brady, Samuel ..............

........... 631

Bowie, Robert W. .......

................ 612

Brady, Wayne ..............

........... 502

Bowie, Thelma M. ......

................ 481

Brager, Elliott A. ............

........... 440

Bowie, Thomas F. .......

............ .620, 628

Brailey, Troy F. .............

......... 46, 68

Bowie, Walter ..........

............ .619, 626

Brainthwait, William ..........

........... 603

Bowie, William .........

................ 606

Brake, Donald C. ............

........... 522

Bowie, William D. ......

................ 608

Brandau, John E. ............

........... 159

Bowland, Virginia L. .....

................ 442

Brandes, Frederick M. .........

........... 328

Bowlby, Larry .........

................ 470

Brandt, Barbara Elizabeth Haworth

........... 195

Bowler, George L. .......

................ 213

Brandt, Robert L. ............

........... 185

Bowles, J. Wilmer .......

................ 345

Brandt, Sheila ...............

........... 441

Bowling, Frank, Jr. ......

................ 344

Brandt, Walter C. ............

........... 366

Bowling, George M., Jr. ...

................ 481

Brandt, Warren W. ...........

....... .298, 357

Bowling, George W. .....

...... 347, 384, 401, 480

Brant, Albert E. .............

........... 344

Bowling, Gilbert 0. ......

................ 482

Brantly, William T. ...........

........... 613

Bowling, J. D. .........

................ 620

Branzell, Thomas M. ..........

........... 457

Bowling, James P., Sr. ....

................ 135

Bratcher, Daniel, Jr. ..........

........... 513

Bowling, Lloyd S. .......

................ 230

Bratten, Thomas E., Jr. ........

........... 436

Bowling, Victor B., Jr. ....

................ 538

Bratton, Robert F. ...........

....... .615, 628

Bowlus, E. Robert ......

......... 141, 487, 488

Brault, Albert D. ............

. 347, 391, 392, 454

Bowlus, Lorene W. ......

................ 440

Braun, Henry D. .............

........... 454

Bowman, Glenn L. ......

................ 522

Braun, Stephen J. ............

........... 480

Bowman, Harold .......

................ 526

Brauning, Horace S., Sr. .......

........... 344

Bowman, Paul D. .......

................ 500

Braunstein, Saul E., Jr. ........

........... 228

Bowser, Cora E. ........

................ 440

Braxton, Ronald E. ...........

........... 329

Boyce, C. Meredith ......

................ 621

Bray, Roger W. .............

........... 241

Boyce, Harvey D. .......

................ 479

Brayboy, Bobby .............

........... 150

Boyce, William E. .......

................ 510

Brecher, Gary ...............

........... 186

Boyd, Andrew Hunter ....

............ .617, 618

Breckinridge, John C. .........

........... 631

Boyd, Elaine ..........

................ 185

Breeding, G. Walter ..........

........... 473

Boyd, Joyce ...........

................ 498

Brehm, Russell H. ............

........... 475

Boyd, Sarah Fenner Miles .

............ .433, 437

Breitenberg, John p. ..........

............ 27

Boyd, William D. .......

................ 515

Breitenfeld, Frederick, Jr. .......

....... .154, 346

Boyer, Eiroy G. ........

............ .366, 622

Brendel, William F. ...........

........... 499

Boyer, John E. .........

............ .200, 213

Brendle, William K. ..........

........... 235

Boyle, C. Frank ........

................ 513

Brengle, Francis .............

........... 627

Boyle, Dorothy A. ......

................ 456

Brennan, Alfred L. ...........

........... 392


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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