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Black, Robert ..........

................ 133

Bohrer, Terezie S. .......

................ 508

Black, Robert W., Jr. . . . .

................ 227

Boileau, Raymond G. ....

................ 622

Black, Walter E., Jr. ....

.......... 37, 149, 394

Boitnott, Carolyn P. .....

................ 465

Blackislon, A. Sue .......

................ 501

Bolden, DeCorsey E. .....

.............. 39, 68

Blackiston, David C. . . . . .

................ 620

Boleyn, William A. ......

................ 366

Blackiston, Nathaniel . . . .

................ 604

Boiler, Ron ...........

................ 488

Blackiston, Nehemiah . . . .

................. 604

Bolt, May B. ..........

................ 317

Blackistone, William J. . . ,

............ .616, 619

Bolton. William P. ......

................ 630

Blackmon, Wesley B. . . . . .

................ 335

Bonadio, Michael .......

................ 365

Blackshear, Patsey Baker . .

................ 456

Bonaparte, Charles J. ....

................ 632

Blackson, Thomas 0. . . . .

................ 494

Bond, Arthur T. ........

...... 343, 451, 452, 453

Blackwell, Albert T., Jr. . . .

......... 384, 401, 507

Bond, Carroll T. ........

............ .617, 618

Bladen, Thomas ........

................ 604

Bond, Frank ..........

................ 228

Blades, A. T. ..........

................ 316

Bond, Frank A. ........

................ 614

Blades, Dewey E. .......

............ .310, 542

Bond, Hugh L. .........

................ 610

Blades, John G. ........

................ 265

Bond, Jacob ...........

................ 619

Blair, B. Patricia ........

................ 435

Bond, James A. C. ......

................ 617

Blair, C. Stanley ........

............ .610, 613

Bond, Jane ............

................ 608

Blair, Forbes W. ........

................ 441

Bond, John ...........

................ 619

Blair, Frank J. .........

................ 622

Bond, June Oliveri ......

................ 495

Blair, Montgomery ......

................ 632

Bond, Myron D. ........

................ 495

Blair, Richard M. .......

................ 539

Bond, William B. .......

................ 620

Blair, Robert A. ........

................ 476

Bond, William H. .......

................ 106

Blair, Walter R., Jr. , . . . .

................ 273

Boniface, J. William .....

................ 225

Blake, Arthur E., Jr. . . . . .

................ 501

Bonifant, Kathryn E. .....

................ 482

Blake, Gary ...........

................ 503

Bonvegna, Joseph S. .....

.............. 47,54

Blake, Ronald J. ........

............. 177, 292

Boone, A. Gordon ......

................ 616

Blakeney, Albert A. . . . . .

................ 629

Boone, A. Gordon, Jr. ....

................ 435

Blakeslee, Wesley .......

................ 213

Boone, Bertram Lee, II ...

................ 613

Blanchard, Cyrus .......

................ 193

Boone, W. Kennedy, III ...

................ 392

Blanchard, Edward M. , . .

................ 482

Booth, Bert ...........

........ 35, 41, 68, 294

Bland, John ...........

................ 176

Booze, William S. .......

................ 628

Bland, Willia ..........

................ 215

Bordelon, Joanne .......

................ 457

Blank, Charles S. .......

................ 523

Borden, Carl, Mrs. ......

................ 456

Blauvelt, Peter D. .......

................ 296

Borden, Paul F. ........

................ 456

Blier, Rolande M. .......

................ 509

Bordley, John Beale ......

................ 605

Blizzard, H. Allan .......

............ .257,500

Borelli, Francis A. .......

......... 388, 412, 507

Block, Charles E., Jr. . . . . .

................ 496

Borgerding, Edward F. ...

......... 385, 412, 459

Block, Kenneth B. ......

................ 494

Borgwardt, Donald V. ....

................ 188

Block, Stanley E. .......

................ 187

Boris, Edward .........

................ 475

Bloom, Judith Jenkins . . . .

................ 440

Borkenhagen, Noreen ....

................ 509

Blount, Clarence W. . . . . ,

.... .32, 46, 54,213, 320,

Bonnuth, W. Dale ......

................ 509



336, 433

Borom, Roy ...........

............. 358, 622

Bloxom, John W. .......

................ 442

Borsari, George R. ......

................ 537

Blum, Sidney ..........

................ 368

Boschert, David G. ......

................ 455

Blumberg, Allan B. ......

................ 116

Bosley, Barry L. ........

................ 476

Blumberg, David R. . . . . .

................ 439

Bosley, Wm. Raymond . . .

................ 162

Blumenberg, Anne Unders

................ 292

Bosman, Robert I. ......

................ 179

Blumenthal, Charles S. . . .

.............. 44, 68

Bosmans, Raymond V. ...

................ 511

Blumenthal, Sidney C. . . . .

................ 222

Bostian, Melvin S. .......

................ 488

Blunt, Helen H. ........

................ 436

Boston, E. Page ........

................ 528

Blunt, Tom ...........

................ 472

Boston, Joseph A. .......

................ 222

Bluth, Howard .........

................ 311

Boswell, Donald Michael . .

................ 223

Boal, Mathilde .........

................ 614

Boswell, Louise A. ......

................ 195

Boarman, Catherine . . . . .

................ 607

Boswell, Paul ..........

................ 541

Bobbie, Diana Lee ......

................ 134

Bosz, Henry G. ........

................ 297

Bobo, Elizabeth ........

......... 272, 298, 497

Bothe, Elsbeth Levy .....

...384, 401, 458, 579, 621

Bochinski, Jacob ........

................ 462

Botsaris, Marcus M. .....

............ .465, 466

Bodie, Thomas .........

................ 392

Bottner, Mary S. ........

................ 511

Bodine. Traci ..........

................ 504

Boublitz, J. Louis .......

...... 388, 391, 412, 522

Boerner, John E. ........

................ 391

Bouchal, William E. .....

................ 457

Boettcher, Evelyn M. . . . . .

................ 455

Bouis, M. Dwight .......

................ 476

Bogley, S. Walter, Jr. . . . . .

................ 614

Boulden, Blanche D. .....

................ 477

Bogley, Samuel W. ......

19, 104, 105, 293, 316, 614

Boulden, G. Mitchell .....

................ 477

Bohn, Kenneth L. .......

................ 475

Bouldin, Leroy .........

................ 118


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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