72/Maryland Manual
ANTHONY CICORIA, Democrat, District 22. Bom in Washington, D.C., April 25,
1942. Attended Mackin High School, Washington, D.C.; University of Maryland;
MDW Management School. Self employed. Advisory Committee, Small Business
Administration; Economic Development Committee, Prince George's County; Gov-
ernor's Commission on Police. Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus; Moose; Catho-
lic War Veterans; Italian-American Foundation; Fraternal Order of Police; Prince
George's Chamber of Commerce; Hyattsville Businessman's Association; Hyattsville
Democratic Club; Young Men's Democratic Club; Neighborhood United Project;
Berwyn Rod & Gun Club; Women's Political Caucus; Board of Directors,
Hyattsville-Mt. Rainier-Brentwood Boys & Girls Club. Married; 2 children. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1979. District office: 5128 Baltimore Ave.,
Hyattsville 20781; tel. 779-2239. Annapolis office: 209 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
MICHAEL J. COLLINS, Democrat, District 7. Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania,
July 24, 1940. Attended Scranton Central High School; University of Scranton, B.S.,
1962; The Johns Hopkins University, M.L.A., 1966; Essex Community College; Loy-
ola College. Educator. Member, Teachers Association of Baltimore County; Mary-
land State Teachers Association; National Education Association; Essex-Middle Riv-
er Chamber of Commerce; Bird River Democratic and Civic Club; Eastern Baltimore
County Democratic and Civic Club; Mid-District Democratic and Civic Club; Fifth
District Democratic Club; Deep Creek Democratic Club and Civic Association;
Democratic Club of Essex; Norris Democratic Club; Essex Improvement Associa-
tion, Inc. President, St. Clare's Parish Council. Outstanding Contributions to Educa-
tion, Teachers Association of Baltimore County, 1975. Unmarried. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. District office: 418 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore 21221;
tel. 391-7800. Annapolis office: 303 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3384.
FRANK M. CONAWAY, Democrat, District 40. Bom in Baltimore, March 16,
1933. Attended Frederick Douglass High School; Morgan State College, B.A., 1960.
Insurance executive; insurance broker; lobbyist. Served in the U.S. Army. Member,
Maryland Comprehensive Health Planning Commission, 1972-1975; Baltimore City
Bar Association Subcommittee on Family Law, 1972-1975. Member, Metro Demo-
crats, Inc.; Frontiers International, Inc.; NAACP; Baltimore Life Underwriters; Na-
tional Association of Lite Underwriters; Agents and Brokers of Maryland, Inc.; As-
sociation of Premium Service Companies; Masons; Elks. Married; 3 children.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. District office: 3758 W. Belvedere
Ave., Baltimore 21215; tel. 367-1500. Annapolis office: 317 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
R. TERRY CONNELLY, Democrat, District 7. Born in Baltimore, January 28,
1946. Attended Kenwood Senior High School; McAIlister Institute of Mortuary Sci-
ences. Funeral Director, L.E.F.D. Served in the Maryland Air National Guard.
Democratic State Central Committee (finance chairman, 1974-1978). Member,
Democratic Club of Essex; Fifteenth District Democratic Club; Riverside Democrat-
ic Club; Deep Creek Democratic Club; Eastern Baltimore County Democratic and
Civic Club; American Legion. Charter member. Exchange Club of Essex; manager,
Essex Little League Baseball Club. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1979. District office: 418 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore 21221; tel.
391-7800. Annapolis office: 303 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3384.