LOUIS V. CAVALLARO, Democrat, District 46. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
August 26, 1928. Attended Baltimore public and parochial schools; management
courses at the Community College of Baltimore; Adjutant General School in Admin-
istration and Personnel Procedure. Served in the U.S. Army, 1948-1951. Former
Assistant Stadium Manager at the Baltimore Memorial Stadium; currently serving as
Superintendant of Central District Department of Recreation and Parks. Member,
March of Dimes Committee, Maryland Chapter; Preakness Cultural Festival Com-
mittee; I Am An American Day Parade Committee; Venerable, Cavaliere Lodge,
OSIA; Maryland chairman. Liberty and Justice Committee, OSIA; Catholic War
Veterans; Board of Directors, United Democratic Club of the 26th Ward; Fort Mar-
shall Democratic Club; Lombard Street Pleasure Club; Claremont Improvement As-
sociation; Maryland Parks and Recreation Council; Our Lady of Pompei PTA;
American Legion. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Member of the Ju-
diciary Committee; Maryland Port Administration Advisory Board. District address;
122 N. Highland Ave., Baltimore 21224; tel. 327-7766. Annapolis office: 324 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3314.
THOMAS W. CHAMBERLAIN, SR., Republican, District 11. Born in Oak Park,
Illinois, June 12, 1923. Attended Springfield, Illinois, parochial schools; Springfield
Junior College; George Washington University; University of Illinois, B.S., 1950. Re-
tired Kaiser Aluminum, 28 years; partner C & T Healthcare Systems Corporation.
World War II veteran. Member, Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Member, Pinevalley-
Valleywood Community Association and Reisterstown-Owings Mills Chamber of
Commerce; American Association of Retired Persons; National Eagle Scout Associa-
tion. Board member and former president, Lutherville-Timonium Recreation Coun-
cil; Boy Scout Governor of Illinois, 1939. Married; 3 children. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1975; Environmental Matters Committee; Consumer Protection
Committee; Council of State Governments; Metropolitan Mass Transit Oversight
Committee. District office: 307 Galway Rd., Timonium 21093; tel. 252-0543. Busi-
ness tel. 363-4166. Annapolis office: 309 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3350.
JOEL CHASNOPF, Democrat, District 14A. Uorn in Uncasville, ConneCIlCUl, July
18, 1936. University of Connecticut, B.A., 1957; Georgetown University Law Center,
J.D., 1964. Admitted to District of Columbia Bar, 1965, and to Maryland Bar, 1970.
Intelligence officer, U.S. Army Security Agency, 1958-1961; Special Projects Offi-
cer, U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1961-1965; trial and appellate attorney. Office
of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor, 1965-1969. Member, Maryland State,
Montgomery County, District of Columbia, and Federal Bar Associations. Member,
Judiciary Committee, Maryland Commission for Women; Governor's Commission
on Condominiums. Former national director, Council on Younger Lawyers; presi-
dent, Tamarack Triangle Civic Association; president, William Tyier Page PTA; for-
mer board member, Committee for Public Schools; Montgomery Muscular Dystro-
phy Association; 3-C and 14-A Democratic Clubs; board of directors, Montgomery
General Hospital; former board member and counsel to National Health Lawyers
Association. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975. District office:
210 Oiney Bldg., 17904 Georgia Ave., Oiney 20832; tel. 774-2000. Annapolis office:
226 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3052.
JOSEPH A. CHESTER, SR., Democrat, District 45. Born in Wilson, N.C., March
4, 1914. Attended North Carolina public schools. Served in the U.S. Navy during
World War II. Board member, Mt. Royal Democratic Club. President, The New Era
Democratic Club. Vice-chairman of Deacon Board, Wayland Baptist Church. Mem-
ber, East Preston Street Neighborhood Improvement Association; Federal Improve-
ment Association; Boy Scouts of America; East Side Democratic Club. Board mem-
ber, V.I.P. Organization. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967.
Member of the Appropriations Committee. District office: 2000 E. Hoffman St.,
Baltimore 21213; tel. 675-3388. Annapolis office: 323 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.