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718/Maryland Manual







Barkley, William J. .......

............... 224

Battie, Louis Mary .....

................. 182

Barkman, Gary ..........

............... 488

Baublitz, George .......

................. 475

Barley, Frank ...........

............... 515

Bauckman, Jaye E. .....

................. 576

Barley, Warren E. ........

............... 392

Bauer, Deborah A. .....

................. 520

Barlow, Dennis C. ........

............... 434

Baugher, Allen ........

................. 133

Barlow, Malcolm ........

............... 247

Baughman, L. Victor ....

................. 614

Barnes, Donald C. .......

............... 486

Bauman, Robert E. .....

............. .575, 630

Barnes, Elizabeth ........

............... 607

Baumann, Albert F. ....

................. 622

Barnes, Frances .........

............... 490

Baumbach, Robert W. ...

................. 488

Barnes, John H. .........

............... 621

Baumgart, Calvin G. ....

................. 496

Barnes, Margaret A. ......

............... 247

Baumgartner, Eugene I. . .

................. 186

Barnes, Michael D. .......

........ 423, 578, 630

Baumgartner, Helen T. . .

................. 435

Barnes, R. Kenneth .......

............... 299

Bausum, Harold .......

................. 457

Barnes, Richard .........

............... 623

Baxter, Frederica Lynth . .

................. 460

Barnes, Ronald Lee .......

............... 468

Bay, Walter C. ........

................. 476

Bames, Virginia R. .......

............... 368

Baybutt, Arlene E. .....

................. 437

Barnes, Wilson K. ........

............... 617

Baycu, Orhan .........

............. .275, 277

Barnett, Cleatus E. .......

........ 366, 375, 505

Baylor, Solomon .......

.......... 384, 400, 458

Bamett, Constance M. .....

............... 485

Bayly, Josiah .........

................. 618

Barnett, Paul W. .........

............... 451

Bayly, Thomas ........

................. 627

Bamett, William A. .......

............... 190

Bayly, William, Jr. .....

................. 619

Barney, Edward K. .......

............... 349

Baynard, Allen ........

................. 521

Barney, John ...........

............... 627

Baynard, John T. ......

................. 519

Bamey, Joshua ..........

............... 626

Beacham, Edmund G. . . .

................. 305

Barnhart, Gloria .........

............... 494

Beachley, Catherine L. ...

................. 622

Barnhart, Jack ..........

............... 235

Beall, George .........

................. 256

Bamhart, Robert ........

............... 522

Beall, J. Glenn ........

............. .625,630

Barondes, Seymour .......

............... 498

Beall, J. Glenn, Jr. .....

.......... 149, 610, 625

Baronowski, John ........

............... 229

Beall, J. Glenn, Sr. .....

................. 621

Barr, Alan M. ..........

............... 118

Beall, Josias ..........

................. 615

Barrack, James ..........

............... 315

Beall, Samuel .........

................. 619

Barranger, J. Thomas .....

........ 272, 493, 496

Beaman, Dorothy ......

................. 465

Barranger, John J. ........

............... 222

Beard, Armilda ........

................. 291

Barrett, Carl ...........

............... 470

Beard, DeLawrence .....

.............. 347, 503

Barrick, Samuel W. .......

..... 384, 400, 486, 622

Beard, Gail A. ........

................. 496

Barren, Elbert ..........

............... 523

Beard, J. Howard ......

................. 455

Barron, John ...........

................ 620

Beard, Louis V. .......

................. 476

Barren, Laurel K. ........

............... 436

Beasley, Jack S. .......

................. 233

Barry, Robert C. .........

............... 621

Beasman, William A., Jr. .

................. 145

Barry, Teresa L. .........

............... 434

Beatley, Charles E., Jr. . .

................. 366

Barse, Joseph R. .........

............... 504

Beaton, John R. .......

................. 359

Bartgis, Earl W. .........

............ .186, 487

Beattie, Charles K. .....

............. .440,495

Barth, Gregory Paul ......

............ 367, 436

Beatty, Dorothy A. .....

.................. 37

Barthel, Geneva .........

............... 488

Beauchamp, Roy V. ....

................. 132

Bartholomy, Joseph G., Jr. . .

............... 511

Beaulieu, Wallace T. ....

................. 281

Bartlett, Donald .........

............... 471

Beaven, James B. ......

................. 516

Bartlett, Robert B. ......

................ 196

Beaven, William .......

................. 521

Bartlett, Roscoe G., Jr. ...

................ 575

Beazley, Margaret A. ....

................. 441

Bartol, James Lawrence . . .

............ .617, 618

Bebee, Doris .........

................. 472

Barton, John W. ........

................ 235

Beck, Charles F. .......

............. .435, 475

Barton, Thomas G. ......

............. 275, 280

Beck, David P. ........

................. 466

Bash, Patricia ..........

................ 469

Beck, George .........

................. 195

Basil, William A. .......

................ 576

Beck, Howard C., Jr. ....

................. 313

Basilone, Peter J. .......

................ 464

Beck, Jeanne .........

................. 466

Bass, Leonard .........

................ 350

Beck, Raymond E. .....

. .27, 33, 34, 35, 40,67, 577

Bass, Thomas L. ........

................ 538

Becker, Evelyn ........

................. 495

Bassette, Robert Gali ....

................ 576

Becker, Jacob .........

................. 435

Bast, Douglas G. .......

................ 522

Beckett, William Wells . . .

................. 394

Bastian, Tyier J. ........

......... 150,238, 351

Bednarik, John S. ......

................. 277

Bata, Evelyn J. .........

................ 141

Beecher, Virbrook P. ....

................. 541

Bateman, Henry E. ......

......... 614, 618, 621

Beenhardt, Lee ........

................. 199

Bateman, Wilfred .......

................ 613

Behan, Cornelius J. .....

.......... 267, 336, 465

Bates, David N. ........

...... 294, 388,411,464

Behr, Walter J. ........

................. 541

Bathon, Philip .........

................ 479

Beims, Constance R. ....

............. .103, 214

Batson, David .........

................ 472

Beitzell, Edwin W. .....

.............. 149, 295


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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