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Name Index/'717

Athen, Joan I. ..............

........... 437

Baird, Elizabeth R. ........

.............. 190

Athey, Edward M. ...........

........... 500

Baker, Albert I. ..........

.............. 235

Athey, Tyras S. .............

, .32, 33, 34, 45,66

Baker, Anne E. ...........

......... 42, 67, 291

Atkins, Mignon H. ...........

........... 466

Baker, C. Oscar ..........

.............. 259

Atkinson, Albert B. ...........

........... 316

Baker, Charles R. .........

....... 332, 453, 497

Atkinson, Donald ............

........... 260

Baker, Constance H. .......

.............. 114

Atkinson, Gordon T. ..........

........... 614

Baker, Elizabeth Catherine . . .

.............. 609

Atkinson, Pat C. .............

........... 501

Baker, Everett S. ..........

.............. 540

Aubaugh, Arthur, Mrs. ........

........... 520

Baker, George H., Jr. ......

.............. 495

Aud, George R. .............

....... .273, 514

Baker, Henry ............

.............. 620

Aud, Marjorie B. ............

........... 515

Baker, Holmes R. .........

.............. 487

Audoun, Joseph H. ...........

........... 620

Baker, James H. ..........

.............. 439

August, George .............

........... 187

Baker, James S. ..........

.............. 505

Augustine, Duncan C. .........

........... 526

Baker, Jean A. ...........

.............. 521

Augustus, Gladys L. ..........

........... 195

Baker, Joseph D. .........

.............. 315

Auld, David ................

........... 520

Baker, June M. ...........

.............. 472

Auldridge, David M., Sr. .......

........... 442

Baker, Lewis J. ...........

.............. 278

Aumiller, Robert J. ...........

........... 227

Baker, Lloyd ............

.............. 476

Austin, George E. ............

........... 621

Baker, Marion L. .........

.............. 437

Austin, Jeffrey A. ............

....... .297,462

Baker, Mary R. ..........

.............. 522

Austin, John H. S. ...........

........... 494

Baker, Michael ...........

.............. 513

Avara, Mary ...............

........... 226

Baker, Theodore ..........

.............. 345

Avara, R. Charles ............

......... 46, 66

Baker, Thomas A. .........

.............. 115

Aversa, Thomas J., Jr. .........

........... 314

Baker, Vaughn J. .........

.............. 522

Aviles, Pedro Menendez de ......

............ .6

Baker, Walter M. .........

............ 45,54

Avnet, James R. .............

........... 117

Baker, William B. .........

.... 435, 480, 628, 629

Ayers, Joseph E. .............

........... 479

Baker, William G. .........

.............. 489





Balder, John M. ..........

.............. 219





Balderson, Emory L. .......

.............. 540

Babcock, Wallace I. ...........

........... 505

Balderston, Donald ........

.............. 479

Babich, Charles, Jr. ...........

........... 453

Baldi, Eugene F. ..........

.............. 511

Bacalla, Michael ..............

........... 576

Baldwin, H. Furlong .......

.............. 365

Bach, Lawrence J. ............

........... 327

Baldwin, H. Streett ........

.............. 630

Bacharach, Carl W. ...........

.... 385, 411, 459

Baldwin, Ruth W. .........

........... 294, 466

Bachman, George F., Jr. .......

....... .272,455

Baldwin, Thomas .........

.............. 466

Bachur, Barbara F. ...........

........ 272, 464

Baldwin, William S. ........

....... 388, 411, 464

Backus, W. Meril, Jr. ..........

........... 185

Balfour, Dale, Mrs. ........

........... 272, 466

Bacon, Janet Q. .............

........... 261

Balge, Russell J. ..........

.............. 467

Badger, William A. ...........

........... 348

Ball, Edwin F. ...........

.............. 158

Baer, Aaron A. ..............

.... 385,411,459

Ball, Garnett C. ..........

.............. 374

Baer, George, Jr. .............

........ 626, 627

Ball, John ..............

.............. 504

Baer, John .................

........... 480

Ball, Robert G., Jr. ........

.............. 435

Baetjer, Howard, II ...........

........... 330

Ball, William C. ..........

.............. 540

Baetjer, Katharine Finney ......

........... 165

Bambacus, John ..........

.............. 348

Baggett, John V. .............

........... 515

Bamberger, E. Clinton, Jr. ...

.............. 622

Baginski, Thomas J. ..........

........... 323

Banister, Elwood H. .......

.............. 323

Bagwell, Sharon M. ...........

........... 526

Bankins, Norman L. .......

.............. 482

Bahen, George E. ............

........... 347

Banks, C. Kirk ...........

.............. 526

Baikauskas, Rita A. ...........

........... 307

Banks, Earl C. ...........

........... 337, 434

Bailer, John R. ..............

........... 509

Banks, Robert T. .........

.............. 632

Bailey, Ernest L., Jr. ..........

........... 390

Banks, Saundra E. ........

.............. 459

Bailey, Fred ................

........... 356

Banks, Walter George ......

.............. 496

Bailey, George L. ............

........... 434

Banning, Jeremiah .........

.............. 623

Bailey, Henry ...............

........... 517

Banning, Robert W. .......

.............. 225

Bailey, James E. .............

........... 495

Banzhoff, Virgil E. ........

.............. 522

Bailey, Levin C. .............

........... 617

Barber, Isaac A. ..........

.............. 628

Bailey, Paul J. ..............

........... 392

Barber, Luke ............

.............. 603

Bailey, Ray ................

........... 539

Barber, Mary Combs .......

.............. 515

Bailey, Ronald ..............

........... 475

Barbera, Thomas P. ........

.............. 114

Bailey, Thomas M. ...........

........... 365

Barclift, Dorothy .........

.............. 515

Bailey, Virginia ..............

........... 478

Bard, Harry .............

.............. 622

Bailey, William M. ...........

....... .299,498

Barfield, Rufus L. .........

.............. 357

Bain, Florence L. ............

........... 498

Barham, Carol ...........

.............. 228

Bainum, Stewart, Jr. ..........

....... 34, 43, 66

Barkdoll, Vaughn .........

.............. 510

Baird, Ann R. ..............

........... 512

Barkley, Marion W. .......

.............. 525


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