62/Maryland Manual
DENNIS F. RASMUSSEN, Democrat, District 7. Born in Essex, June 14, 1947.
Attended Baltimore County public schools, Essex Community College; Loyola Col-
lege, B.A., 1970. Real estate associate; former independent businessman and bank
operations officer. Member, Southeastern Y.M.C.A. Board of Directors; Vocational-
Technical Education Advisory Council of Baltimore County; Exchange Club of
Essex; Eastern Baltimore County Democratic and Civic Association; 15th District
Democratic Club; Baltimore County Marine, Fire, Rescue, Paramedic Association;
Greater Kingsville Improvement and Civic Association; Essex Improvement Associa-
tion; Blue Ridge/Walnut Hills Improvement Association; Deep Creek Democratic
and Civic Club; Essex Heritage Society. Board of Directors, Arthritis Foundation,
Maryland Chapter. Board of Trustees, Franklin Square Hospital. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates, 1975-1978. Member, Senate Finance Committee; Joint
Committee on Personnel Management Study, 1975-1978; Joint Committee on Drug
Abuse and Alcoholism Administration Merger, 1975; Joint Budget and Audit Com-
mittee, 1979—; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 1979—; Special Joint Com-
mittee on Energy, 1979—; Maryland Legislative Information System Advisory
Committee, 1980—- Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee nn State Data Processing.
1975-1978. Vice-chairman, Governor's Commission on Mobile Homes, 1979—;
Mental Health Facilities and Treatment Programs Commission, 1980—. Member of
the Senate since 1978. District office: 418 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore 21221; tel.
391-7800. Annapolis office: 210 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3642.
H. ERLE SCHAFER, Democrat, District 32. Born in Baltimore, February 2, 1938.
Attended Baltimore City public schools; University of Baltimore; University of
Baltimore Law School; LL.B., J.D., 1963; Mount Vernon School of Law. Served in
the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Marine Corps Reserves. Anne Arundel County
Council, 1970-1974; Anne Arundel County Urban Renewal Administrator, 1975-
1978; former co-chairman. Governor's Commission on Hiring the Handicapped.
Member, North County Businessman's Association; Chamber of Commerce; past
president, Richard Henry Lee P.T.A.; Optimist Club; AF & AM; Elks; past chair-
man, Cancer Fund Drive, 1977. Member, board of directors, American Lung Associ-
ation; Anne Arundel General Hospital. Voted Outstanding Young Man of the Year,
1970-1971. Instrumental in establishing the Open Door Drug Rehabilitation Pro-
gram in Glen Burnie; assisted in effort that resulted in Anne Arundel County Com-
munity College Glen Bumie Center. Married. Member of the Senate since 1979. Dis-
trict office: 7887 Chestnut Rd., Severn 21144. Annapolis office: 205 James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3653.
MARGARET C. SCHWEINHAUT, Democrat, District 18. Born in Washington,
D.C. Attended Washington, D.C., public schools; The George Washington Universi-
ty; National University Law School. Honorary Doctor of Laws degree, St. Joseph
College, 1971. Chairperson, State Commission on Aging. Member, International Ge-
rontological Society; Montgomery Retarded Children's Association. Certificate of
Merit, National Council of Senior Citizens; Outstanding Legislator, Knights of Co-
lumbus; Citation of Merit, Veterans of Foreign Wars; Outstanding Service, Bethesda-
Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce. Widow. Member of the House of Delegates,
1955-1961. Member of the Senate since 1961. Chairperson, Executive Nominations
Committee since 1971, Member, Legislative Council (now Legislative Policy Com-
mittee) since 1971. District office: 3601 Saul Rd., Kensington 20795; tel. 946-3111.
Annapolis office: 304 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841.3137.
S. FRANK SHORE, Democrat, District 17. Born in Washington, D.C., December
3, 1935. Attended Washington, D.C., parochial and public schools; Southeastern
University; Pennsylvania State University; American University Labor Studies Insti-
tute. Married. St. Jude's Church and choir member. Over twenty years employment
with The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company and member of Communica-
tions Workers of America. Served in Fourth Armored Division, U.S. Army. Mem-
ber, Men's Guild and Health Planning Committee, Holy Cross Hospital, Silver
Spring; board of directors, St. Luke's House, Inc. Member, Elks; American Legion;
Adult Scout of Boy Scouts of America; Knights of Columbus; honorary life member-
ship in Eagles. Former member. Southern Legislative Conference (vice-chairman of
Human Resources and Urban Affairs Committee). Member, House of Delegates,
1971-1978. Member of the Senate since 1978. Annapolis office: 305 James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3134.