HARRY J. McGUIRK, Democrat, District 37. Born in Baltimore, November 7,
1923. Attended Baltimore public schools, University of Maryland; Comell Universi-
ty; graduate, Morgan State University. Real estate broker and consultant. Served
four years in U.S. Navy. Chairman, Rent Advisory Board; Zoning Study Commis-
sion. Past Exalted Ruler, Baltimore Lodge No. 7, B.P.O.E. Past Commander,
Walbrook Post No. 118, American Legion. Member of the House of Delegates, 1960-
1967. Member of Maryland Senate since 1967. Chairman, Economic Affairs Com-
mittee since 1974. West Baltimore Business Men's Association "Man of the Year"
Award, 1968. Legislator of the Year, 1976. Veteran Legislator o( the Year, 1977.
Member of Executive Board of the Southern Conference of Council of State Govern-
ment. Former chairman of Transportation Committee of Council of State Govern-
ment. Office: 908 Frederick Rd., Baltimore 21228; tel. 788-7101. Annapolis office:
201 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3658.
THOMAS V. MIKE MILLER, JR., Democrat. District 28. Bom in Clinton, De-
cember 3, 1942. Attended Prince George's County public schools; University of
Maryland, B.S., 1964; University of Maryland School o( Law, LL.B., J.D., 1967.
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1967. Member, American, Maryland State and
Prince George's County Bar Associations; Surratts, Brandywine, Nottingham, and
Port Washington Democratic Clubs. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee; Ad-
ministrative, Executive and Legislative Review Committee; Governor's Commission
on Domestic Relations Laws; Maryland Historical Trust. Director, Bank of Brandy-
wine; past officer, Clinton Dads' Club; Southern Prince George's County Board of
Trade; Clinton-Camp Springs Co-op. Married, 5 children. Member of the House of
Delegates, 1971-1975. Member of the Senate since 1975. District office: 8808 Old
Branch Ave., Clinton 20735; tel. 868-6931. Annapolis office; 313 James Bldg., 21401;
tel. 841-3131.
CLARENCE M. MITCHELL III, Democrat, District 38. Bom in St. Paul, Minn.,
December 14, 1939. Attended Baltimore public schools; Qonzaga High School,
Washington, D.C.; University of Maryland; Morgan State University; University of
Baltimore Law School. Mortgage banker, real estate broker, and consultant. Former
member, Young Democrats of Maryland; Baltimore Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Member, Y.M.C.A.; NAACP; Kappa Alpha Psi; Urban League; Prince Hall Ma-
sons; and other civic and fraternal organizations. Two children, Clarence Mitchell IV
and Lisa Mitchell. Recipient of many awards for outstanding leadership and citizen-
ship from government, private industry, and community groups. Member of the
House of Delegates, 1963-1967. Member of the Senate since 1967 (Deputy Majority
Leader, 1975-1978; Majority Whip, 1979). President, National Black Caucus of
State Legislators, 1979-19S1. District office: 1239 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore
21217; tel. 523-4222. Annapolis office: 306 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3612.
THOMAS PATRICK O'REILLY, Democrat, District 23. Bora in New York, N.Y.,
September 2, 1938. Attended Washington, D.C., and Prince George's County paro-
chial and public schools; University of Maryland, B-S. in Electrical Engineering,
1968; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1972. Admitted to the Maryland
Bar, 1972. Served in the U.S. Air Force, 1961-1964. Law clerk for Judge Robert B.
Mathias, former Associate Judge, Circuit Court for Prince George's County. Mem-
ber, American, Maryland State and Prince George's County Bar Associations; Mary-
land Trial Lawyers Association; American Legion; B.P.O.E.; Irish-American Club.
Married. Member of the Senate since 1975. District office: 5707 East West Highway,
Riverdale 20840; tel. 779-2700. Annapolis office: 209 James Bldg., 21401; tel.