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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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610/Maryland Manual

Mandel and wife Rebecca Cohen. Jewish. Mar-
ried (1) Barbara Oberfeld; (2) Jeanne Blacki-
stone Dorsey.19

1979-. Harry Hughes. Democrat. Born in Easton,
November 13, 1926, the son of Jonathan L.
Hughes and wife Helen Roe. Episcopalian.
Married Patricia Donoho. Attorney. Resident
of Baltimore City when elected.


1867 Oden Bowie (D) 63,602
Hugh L. Bond (R) 21,890

1871 William Pinkney Whyte (D) 73,958
Jacob Tome (R) 58,838

1875 John Lee Carroll (D) 85,454
J. Morrison Harris (R) 72,530

1879 William T. Hamilton (D) 90,771
James A. Gary (R) 68,609

1883 Robert M. McLane (D) 92,694
Hart B. Holton (R) 80,707

1887 Elihu E. Jackson (D) 99,038
Walter B. Brooks (R) 86,622

1891 Frank Brown (D) 108,539
William J. Vannort (R) 78,388

1895 Lloyd Lowndes (R) 124,936
John E. Hurst (D) 106,169

1899 John Walter Smith (D) 128,409
Lloyd Lowndes (R) 116,286

1903 Edwin Warfield (D) 108,548
Stevenson A. Williams (R) 95,923

1907 Austin L. Crothers (D) 102,051
George R. Gaither 94,300

1911 Phillips Lee Goldsborough (R) 106,392
Arthur Pue German (D) 103,395

1915 Emerson C. Harrington (D) 119,317
Ovington E. Weller (R) 116,136

1919 Albert C. Ritchie (D) 112,240
Harry W. Nice (R) 112,075

"Chapter 576, Acts of 1970, changed the date of the beginning
of the governor's term to the third Wednesday in January fol-
lowing his election. By letter dated June 4, 1977, Governor
Mandel notified Lieutenant Governor Blair Lee III that Lee
would serve as acting governor until further notice according to
the terms of Article 2, Section 6b of the Maryland Constitution.
Lee continued to act in the capacity of acting governor until
January 15, 1979, when Mandel rescinded his letter of June 4,
1977, two days before the expiration of his second full elective
term. Governor Mandel designated Lee acting governor again
for a brief period on January 16 to permit Lee to preside at the
installation of Rita C. Davidson to the Court of Appeals.

Principal Officers of Maryland

1923 Albert C. Ritchie (D) 177,871
Alexander Armstrong (R) 137,471

1926 Albert C. Ritchie (D) 207,435
Addison E. Mullikin (R) 148,145

1930 Albert C. Ritchie (D) 283,639
William F. Broening (R) 216,864

1934 Harry W. Nice (R) 253,813
Albert C. Ritchie (D) 247,664

1938 Herbert R. O'Conor (D) 308,372
Harry W. Nice (R) 242,095

1942 Herbert R. O'Conor (D) 198,488
Theodore R. McKeldin (R) 179,204

1946 William Preston Lane, Jr. (D) 268,084
Theodore R. McKeldin (R) 221,752

1950 Theodore R. McKeldin (R) 369,807
William Preston Lane, Jr. (D) 275,824

1954 Theodore R. McKeldin (R) 381,451
Harry Clifton Byrd (D) 319,033

1958 J. Millard Tawes (D) 485,061
James P. S. Devereux (R) 278,173

1962 J. Millard Tawes (D) 428,071
Frank Small, Jr. (R) 341,271

1966 Spiro T. Agnew (R) 455,318
George P. Mahoney (D) 373,543
Hyman A. Pressman (I) 90,899

1970 Marvin Mandel (D) 639,579
C. Stanley Blair (R) 314,336
Robert Woods Merkle, Sr. (A) 19,184

1974 Marvin Mandel (D) 602,648
Louise Gore (R) 346,449

1978 Harry Hughes (D) 718,328
J. Glenn Beall, Jr. (R) 293,635

Party Affiliation: (D) Democrat; (R) Republican; (I) In-
dependent; (A) American. For gubernatorial election re-
sults prior to the adoption of the Constitution of 1867,
see Frank F. White, Jr., The Governors of Maryland,
(Hall of Records Commission Publication
No. 15, Annapolis, 1970), Appendix A.


The Constitution of 1776 (Art. 26) provided
that both houses of the Legislature elect by joint
ballot five men to be "the Council to the Gover-
nor." This was an advisory body of considerable
influence. It was also provided that on the death,
removal, or incapacity of the governor the first
named of the Council should become governor
and proceed to the calling of a special session of
the Legislature for the election of a new governor.
The Council was abolished in 1838 by means of a
constitutional amendment (Acts 1836, ch. 197,
sec. 13; Acts 1837, ch. 84).


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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