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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
Volume 180, Page 609   View pdf image (33K)
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Historical List

the son of Lloyd Lowndes and wife Marie
Moore. Resident of Allegany County when
elected. Episcopalian. Married Elizabeth Tasker
Lowndes. Died in Cumberland, January 8, 1905.
Buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Cumberland.

1900-1904. John Walter Smith. Democrat. Born
in Worcester County, February 5, 1845, the
son of John Walter Smith and wife Charlotte
Whittington. Presbyterian. Married Mary
Frances Richardson. Died in Baltimore, April
19, 1925. Buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery,
Snow Hill.

1904-1908. Edwin Warfield. Democrat. Born in
Howard County, May 7, 1848, the son of Al-
bert G. Warfield and wife Margaret Gassaway.
Presbyterian. Married Emma Nicodemus. Died
in Baltimore, March 31, 1920. Buried in the
family burial ground at Cherry Grove, Howard

1908-1912. Austin L. Crothers. Democrat. Born
in Cecil County, May 17, 1860, the son of Al-
pheus Crothers and wife Margaret Aurelia Por-
ter. Presbyterian. Unmarried. Died in Elkton,
May 25, 1912. Buried in the West Nottingham
Presbyterian Cemetery.

1912-1916. Phillips Lee Goldsborough. Republi-
can. Born in Cambridge, August 6, 1865, the
son of M. Worthington Goldsborough and wife
Nettie M. Jones. Episcopalian. Married Ellen
Showell. Died in Baltimore, October 22, 1946.
Buried in Christ Protestant Episcopal Church
Cemetery, Cambridge.

1916-1920. Emerson C. Harrington. Democrat.
Born in Dorchester County, March 26, 1864,
the son of John E. Harrington and wife
Elizabeth Thompson. Episcopalian. Married
Gertrude Johnson. Died in Cambridge, Decem-
ber 15, 1945. Buried in Christ Protestant Epis-
copal Church Cemetery, Cambridge.

1920-1935. Albert C. Ritehie. Democrat. Born in
Richmond, Virginia, August 29, 1876, the son
of Albert Ritehie and wife Elizabeth Caskie
Cabell. Resident of Baltimore City when
elected. Episcopalian. Married Elizabeth Cath-
erine Baker. Died in Baltimore, February 24,
1936. Buried in Greenmount Cemetery, Bal-

1935-1939. Harry W. Nice. Republican. Born in
Washington, D.C., December 5, 1877, the son

"Chapter 227, Acts of 1922 provided for quadrennial elections.
The governor elected in November 1923 held office for three
years. Beginning with the election held on the first Tuesday af-
ter the first Monday in November 1926, elections were held in
the even-numbered years which were not presidential election

Governors of the State of'Maryland/'609

of the Rev. Henry W. Nice and wife Prucilla
Arnold. Resident of Baltimore City when
elected. Methodist. Married Edna Viola Ames.
Died in Richmond, Virginia, February 24,
1941. Buried in Greenmount Cemetery, Bal-

1939-1947. Herbert R. O'Conor. Democrat. Born
in Baltimore, November 17, 1896, the son of
James P. O'Conor and wife Mary Galvin. Ro-
man Catholic. Married M. Eugenia Byrnes.
Died in Baltimore, March 4, 1960. Buried in
New Cathedral Cemetery, Baltimore.15

1947-1951. William Preston Lane, Jr. Democrat.
Born in Washington County, May 12, 1892,
the son of Col. William P. Lane and wife Vir-
ginia Cartwright. Episcopalian. Married
Dorothy Byron. Died in Hagerstown, February
7, 1967. Buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Hagers-

1951-1959. Theodore R. McKeldin. Republican.
Born in Baltimore City, November 20, 1900,
the son of James A. McKeldin and wife Dora
Grief. Episcopalian. Married Honolulu Manzer.
Died in Baltimore, August 10, 1974. Buried in
Greenmount Cemetery, Baltimore.

1959-1967. J. Millard Tawes. Democrat. Born in
Somerset County, April 8, 1894, the son of
James B. Tawes and wife Alice Byrd. Method-
ist. Married Helen Avalynne Gibson. Died in
Crisfield, June 25, 1979. Buried in Sunny Ridge
Memorial Park Cemetery in Crisfield.17

1967-1969. Spiro T. Agnew. Republican. Born in
Baltimore City, November 9, 1918, the son of
Theodore S. Agnew and wife Margaret Akers.
Resident of Baltimore County when elected.
Resigned January 7, 1969. Episcopalian. Mar-
ried Elinor Isobel Judefind.18

1969-1979. Marvin Mandel. Democrat. Born in
Baltimore City, April 19, 1920, the son of Harry

"Governor O'Conor resigned on January 3, 1947, to accept a
seat in the United States Senate. William Preston Lane, Jr., was
elected by the Legislature on January 2 of that year to complete
the unexpired term. Governor Lane was inaugurated on January
3 for the remainder of Governor O'Conor's term and on Janu-
ary S, 1947, for the full four-year term.

"Chapter 109, Acts of 1947 established a two-term limit for
each governor.

"Chapter 161, Acts of 1964 changed the date of the beginning
of the governor's term to the fourth Wednesday in January fol-
lowing his election.

"Governor Agnew, having been elected vice president of the
United States at the general election of November 5, 1968, re-
signed on January 7, 1969. Marvin Mandel was elected on the
same day to fill the balance of Governor Agnew's term, which
expired in January 1971. Governor Mandel was subsequently
elected to a full four-year term on November 3, 1970.


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
Volume 180, Page 609   View pdf image (33K)
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