54/Maryland Manual
WALTER M. BAKER, Democrat, District 34. Born in Port Deposit, September 23,
1927. Attended Perryville High School; Washington College, B.A., 1960; University
of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1960. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1960.
Served in the U.S. Army. State's attorney for Cecil County, 1963-1966. Past presi-
dent and past director, Cecil County Bar Association; past president, Young Demo-
crat Club of Washington College and Cecil County. Member, Elkton Rotary Club
(past director and past president); American Legion. Recipient, Sadler Award,
Washington College. Married; 2 children. Member of the Senate since 1979. District
office: 153 East Main St., Elkton 21921; tel. 398-0980. Annapolis office: 208 James
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3639.
JOHN J. BISHOP, JR., Republican, District 10. Born in Baltimore, December 6,
1927. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; Loyola College; Towson State College;
University of Baltimore; University of Baltimore Law School, J.D., 1951. Admitted
to the Maryland Bar, 1954. Served in the U.S. Coast Guard. Member, Judicial Pro-
ceedings Committee; chairperson, Special Committee to Study the Mental Health
Laws; member, Executive Nominations Committee; Deinstitutionalization Commit-
tee; Committee to Study Non-Public Special Education; Juvenile Justice Committee;
Governor's Commission on Humane Practices. Delegate to National Society of State
Legislatures. Past Post Commander and past state judge advocate. Catholic War
Veterans. Delegate, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University, 1968. Instruc-
tor, Political Science, University of Baltimore. Member, American, Maryland State,
and Baltimore County Bar Associations. Member, Maryland State Bar Association
Board of Governors and Third Judicial Circuit Committee on Judicial Appoint-
ments. Received numerous distinguished service awards and citations. Married.
Member of the Senate since 1967. District office: 305 W. Chesapeake Ave., Towson
21204; tel. 823-6313. Annapolis office: 410 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3706.
CLARENCE W. BLOUNT, Democrat, District 41. Born in Beaufort County,
N.C. Attended Baltimore City public schools; Morgan State University, B.A., 1950;
The Johns Hopkins University, M.L.A., 1965; Georgetown University. Educator
Served in World War II; awarded Combat Commission. Assistant Senate Majority
Leader. Chairman, Health and Education Subcommittee. Vice-chairman, Budget and
Taxation Committee. Member, Executive Nominations Committee; Plain Language
Study Committee; Capital Projects; Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement
and the Administration of Justice; Executive Board and National Steering Commit-
tee, Education Commission of the States; Southern Regional Education Board.
Member, National Democratic Committee. Member, Academy of Political Science;
Academy of Political and Social Science; Morgan State University Alumni Associa-
tion; The Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association; Baltimore Urban League;
NAACP; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Member, Board of Trustees, Provident and
Sinai Hospitals; Western Maryland College. Member, Advisory Board, United Stu-
dent Aid. Member, Advisory Council, National Association of Community and Ju-
nior Colleges; National Educational Forum; Urban Affairs Committee, N.C.S.L.;
Advanced Leadership Program Services, Mid-Atlantic Region. Chairman, Urban
Services Commission, Baltimore City. Member, League of Handicapped and Crip-
pled Children. Received numerous distinguished service awards. Married. Member of
the Senate since 1971. Member, Legislative Policy Committee. District office: 4811
Liberty Heights Ave., Baltimore 21207; tel. 466-1197. Annapolis office: 100 James
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3697.
JOSEPH S. BONVEGNA, Democrat, District 46. Bom in Baltimore, January 9,
1922. Attended Baltimore public schools. Served in the U.S. Army. 1942-1946. Del-
egate to Democratic State Convention. Chief clerk, Baltimore City Council. Man of
the Year, American Legion, 1979. Director, I Am An American Day Parade,
Baltimore City. Member and vice-president, 26th Ward United Democratic Club of
Baltimore City. Member, Annistead Democratic Club; Fort Marshall Democratic
Club; Pulaski Highway Democratic Club; Highland Clipper Club; Optimist Club of
Highlandtown. Member, Board of Directors, Baltimore Braille Association. Former
vice-president, American Soccer League. President, Baltimore Pompei Soccer Team;
Lombard Pleasure Club. Member, Civic Democratic Club; Exchange Club of
Highlandtown; Catholic War Veterans; Sons of Italy; Baltimore Area Council, Boy
Scouts of America. Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates, 1967-1975.
Member of the Senate since 1975. District office: 419 S. Highland Ave., Baltimore
21224; tel. 276-8500. Annapolis office: 311 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3598.