JAMES CLARK, JR. Democrat, District 14. Born in Ellicott City, De-
cember 19, 1918. Attended Ellicott City public schools; Iowa State Uni-
versity, B.S., 1941. Farmer. Served in the U.S. Air Force, 1941-1945.
Former Howard County Soil Conservation District Supervisor. First Vice-
President, Constitutional Convention of Maryland, 1967-1968. Member,
Rotary; V.F.W. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1959-1963.
Member of the Senate since 1963. Chairman, Agriculture and Natural Re-
sources Committee, 1963-1966. Chairman, Executive Nominations Com-
mittee, 1967-1971. Vice-chairman, Finance Committee, 1971-1975.
Member, Legislative Council (now Legislative Policy Committee) since
1971. Chairman, Finance Committee, 1975-1978. President of the Senate
since 1979. District office: 242 Wilde Lake Village, Columbia 21044; tel.
997-3572. Annapolis office: Pres. Office, State House, 21401; tel. 841-3700.
ROSALIE SILBER ABRAMS, Democrat, District 42. Born in Baltimore. Attended
Strayer Business School; Sinai Hospital School of Nursing; Columbia University; The
Johns Hopkins University, B.S., 1963, M.A., political science, 1969. Served in the
U.S. Navy Corps. Chair, Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland, 1978—.
Chair, Humane Practices Commission. Member, Commission to Study Implementa-
tion of the Equal Rights Amendment; Maryland Commission for Women. Member,
Human Resources and Urban Affairs Committee, Southern Legislative Conference,
Council of State Governments. Member, Democratic National Committee, 1979—;
DNC Platform Advisory Committee on National Health Care. Member, Fifth Dis-
trict Reform Democrats; State-Federal Assembly Committee on Human Resources,
National Conference of State Legislatures, 1977—. Past president, Maryland Order
of Women Legislators. Member, National Order of Women Legislators; Maryland
Nurses Association. Received numerous distinguished service awards and citations.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1967-1970. Member of the Senate
since 1970. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee. Majority Floor Leader,
1978—. District office: 6205 Wirt Ave., Baltimore 21215; tel. 764-3614. Annapolis
office: 216 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3648.
ARIS T. ALLEN, Republican, Anne Anindel County, District 30. Born in San
Antonio, Texas, December 27, 1910. Attended public schools in San Antonio and
Washington, D.C.; Howard University, M.D., 1944. Medical doctor. Served with the
U.S. Air Force. Former member, Anne Arundel County Board of Education; Anne
Arundel County Planning Advisory Board; Maryland Commission on the Capital
City. Past Board of Directors, Citizens Housing and Planning Association; Boy
Scouts of America; Anne Arundel County Community College Board of Trustees;
NAACP (life member). Alternate, Republican National Convention, 1968; chairman,
Maryland delegation, Republican National Convention, 1972; former chairman. Re-
publican State Central Committee, 1977-1979; secretary. Republican National Con-
vention, 1980. Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Maryland,
1978. Chairman, Progressive Assembly of Republicans, 1979. Member, Governor's
Commission on Welfare Grants; Maryland Commission on Ethnic Affairs; various
other gubernatorial and legislative committees. Recipient of numerous professional,
civic, and service awards. Married; two children. Maryland House of Delegates, 1967
-1975 (Minority Whip, 1967-1973; chairman. Subcommittee on Abortions). Mem-
ber of the Senate since 1978. Member, Republican Senators Caucus; Maryland Legis-
lative Black Caucus; Senate Finance Committee. Annapolis office: 404 James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3572.