520/Maryland Manual
Fire Marshal
Vernon Dulin ..................
Central Alarm Board
Homer Sieder, Chairperson ..........
Deputy Medical Examiner
R. Lane Roth, M.D. ..............
Health Department
Eugene Guthrie, M.D., Health Officer . .
Gary Rinehart, Environmental Health
Director .....................
Mental Health. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
Advisory Committee
Carl F. Schaefer, Chairperson ........
Board of Education
Charles G. Pritchett, Chairperson ...... 1985
Edzel Turner .................... 1981
Sara Lou Casson ................. 1982
Robert E. Vanderpool ............. 1982
Jane Lowe ...................... 1984
Joyce M. Price ................... 1985
Robert M. Valliant ................ 1985
Superintendent of Schools
Norman J. Moore ...............
Talbot County Free Library Board of
Mrs. Thomas Hunter Lowe, President . . . 1982
Mrs. Perry Schofield, Secretary ........ 1983
Norman Harrington, Treasurer ....... 1982
Mrs. William Fauntleroy ............ 1981
Ann Stinson Gillelan .............. 1981
Joseph F. Moore, Jr. .............. 1981
Mrs. Robert Lea ................. 1982
Mrs. Robert Chapin ............... 1983
Mrs. Douglas Waliup .............. 1983
Mrs. Arthur Aubaugh ............. 1984
Richard Droege .................. 1984
Mrs. Kenneth Northrop ............ 1984
Herbert L. Andrew III, County Council,
ex officio .....................
Donald S. Ross, ex officio ..........
Henry H. Purdy, Boston Town Council,
ex officio .....................
Elizabeth H. Carroll ..............
Social Services Board
Mrs. William Adkins, Chairperson ..... 1983
H. T. Slaughter, County Council ......
Margaret M. Anderson ............. 1981
Janet B. Hammed ................ 1981
Hayward M. L. Turner ............. 1981
Marline Zimmennan .............. 1981
William A. Brown ................ 1982
Eugene Schwaninger .............. 1982
Herbert C. Santucci ............... 1983
Director of Social Services
Elmire Heist ....................
Children's Council
Tim Haynes, Chairperson ...........
Commission on the Aging
Alfred P. Quimby, Chairperson .......
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Carson L. Andrew, Chairperson .......
Recreation and Parks Coordinator
Joseph J. Opalski ................
Planning and Zoning Commission
Donald Bridges, Chairperson ......... 1984
Clinton S. Bradley III, County Council . .
James I. Heikes ................. 1980
Peter L. Councell ................ 1981
William Anderson ................ 1982
Norman Harrington .............. 1983
Deborah A. Bauer, Coordinator .......
Planning Officer
Anthony D. Redman ..............
County Appeals Board
Robert Coleman, Chairperson ........ 1981
Robert J. Allen, Jr. ............... 1981
Paul L. Shortall, Sr. .............. 1982
Edzel Turner ................... 1982
James E. Wamer ................. 1983
Phillip E. Councell, alternate ........ 1982
Historic District Commission
David Auld, Chairperson ...........
Public Works Advisory Board
Douglas G. Phillips, Chairperson ......
Public Works Director
Robert D. Rauch ................
Roads Engineer
Albert R. Morris ................
Plumbing Inspector
Howard Walker .................
Airport Authority
William P. Griffin, Chairperson .......
Liquor Control Board
W. Francis Callahan, Chairperson ..... 1981