County Agencies
order of the Governor in Council. It was in ex-
istence by February 18, 1661/62, when a writ
was issued to the sheriff.
Name: Named after Grace Talbot, sister of
Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore.
Form of Government: Charter (1973)
County Code: See Charter and Code of Public Lo-
cal Laws of Talbot County, Maryland (1977)
with supplements.
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Talbot County .................. .24,361
Dist. 1, Easton ................ .11,691
Dist 2, St Michaels .............. 3,853
Dist. 3, Trappe ................. 3,478
Dist. 4, Chapel ................. 3,390
Dist. 5, Bay Hundred ............. 1,949
Area: 279.4 sq. miles
North Washington St.
Easton 21601 Telephone: 822-2611
(Circuit Court)
Telephone: 822-2750
(District Court)
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, last
Monday in February and September.
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m.
12:00 noon, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Circuit Court Resident Judge
Harry E. dark .................. 1983
Talbot County/519
Circuit Court Clerk
John T, Baynard ................. 1982
District Court Judge
John Cannon North II ............. 1981
James Stewart, Administrative Clerk ....
Cecilia Cianferano, Clerk ...........
Orphans' Court Judges
J. Tolson Cockey, Chief Judge ....... 1982
Earl M. Clague .................. 1982
E. Frank Connolly ............... 1982
Register of Wills
C. Kenneth Dulin ................ 1982
George Benjamin Forrest, Sr. ........ 1982
State's Attorney
Sidney Sawyer Campen, Jr. .......... 1982
District Public Defender
John W. Sause, Jr. ...............
County Council
Easton 21601 Telephone: 822-2401
Meeting Days; Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m.
County Council
Herbert L. Andrew III, President 1982
Clinton S. Bradley III ............. 1982
Richmond W. Hill ............... 1982
James C. Perkins ................. 1982
H. T. Slaughter .................. 1982
Mary C. Foster, Clerk .............
Charles W. Collett, Attorney .........
County Manager
Albert K. Wood .................
Supervisor of Assessments
Henry V Trippe .................
Board of Supervisors of Elections
John T. Cockey, Jr. ............... 1981
Joseph H. Secrist, Jr. .............. 1981
Earle B. Wood .................. 1981
Nick Pavinger, substitute ........... 1981
L. Lee Coulby, substitute ........... 1981
Civil Defense and Emergency Preparedness
Cleveland L. Thomas, Director .......
Richmond W. Hill, alternate .........