278/Maryland Manual
P. 0. Box 8755
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 787-7399
This Board, created by Chapter 732, Acts of
1974, recommends to the Board of Public Works
on the basis of the competitive method from
which firm architectural or engineering services
should be procured in cases when the compensa-
tion is over $25,000 (Code Transportation Arti-
cle, secs. 2-301 through 2-310).
Chairperson: James J. O'Donnell, Secretary, De-
partment of Transportation
Daniel F. McMullen III, 1981; Ross B. Diffen-
derfer, 1982; William B. Wheeler, 1982; Joseph
B. Browne, 1983; Arthur M. Gompf, 1983; W.
Gordon Yates, 1983.
Executive Secretary: E. Donald Reilly
P. 0. Box 8755
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 787-7399
The Maryland Transportation Authority, creat-
ed by Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, consists of the
Secretary as chairperson and six members who
are appointed by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Senate for three-year terms.
As of July 1, 1971, all power, authority, obliga-
tions, functions, duties, and discretion previously
granted to the State Roads Commission relating
to the financing, operation, maintenance, and re-
pair of the Susquehanna River Bridge, the Poto-
mac River Bridge (Governor Harry W. Nice Me-
morial Bridge), the Chesapeake Bay Bridge
(Governor William Preston Lane, Jr., Memorial
Bridge), the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, the Balti-
more Harbor Outer Crossing (Francis Scott Key
Memorial Bridge), the John F. Kennedy Memori-
al Highway, and all other State highway toll reve-
nue facilities financed by revenue bonds of the
State Roads Commission were transferred to the
Maryland Transportation Authority (Code Trans-
portation Article, secs. 4-201 through 4-404).
Lewis J. Baker, Chairperson, 1981
Frederick K. Schoenbrodt, 1981; Nathan Ham-
burger, 1981.
P. 0. Box 8755
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 787-7119
By Chapter 418, Acts of 1978, the General As-
sembly established a Department of Transpor-
tation Board of Contract Appeals, effective July
1, 1978. The law provided for the appointment of
an attorney, who would be designated chairper-
son and serve on a full-time basis, and two part-
time members.
Jurisdiction of the Board extends ". . . over all
disputes, other than labor disputes, arising under
a contract with the Department, or as a result of
a breach of contract with the Department. , . ."
A contractor may appeal a contract dispute to
this Board if he is not satisfied with the decision
previously rendered by the Administrator of the
agency with whom he is under contract.
E. Donald Reilly, Administrator of Toll Facilities
William R. Fletcher, Associate Administrator,
Joseph R. Hartman, Associate Administrator,
Bernard W. Jedrowicz, Associate Administrator,
P. 0. Box 9088
Dundalk 21222 Telephone; 288-6400
The Administration operates and maintains
four toll bridges, the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel
(under Baltimore's harbor), and the John F.
Kennedy Memorial Highway. These facilities
were constructed with the proceeds from the sale
of revenue bonds authorized under the Revenue
Bond Act of 1937 (Code 1957, Article 89B, secs.
163-181), and by Chapter 1, Acts of the Special
Session of 1956 (Code 1957, Article 89B, secs.
Currently, the facilities handle some 63.5 mil-
lion toll transactions annually and produce reve-
nue of more than $57,000,000, which is utilized
for debt service after deduction of maintenance
and operating costs.
The administrative offices and the maintenance
bureaus of these facilities are centralized in the
Administration Building at the Francis Scott Key
Bridge over Baltimore's outer harbor. The Fran-