236/Maryland Manual
Land Planning Services provides the planning
services for all land management units of the De-
partment of Natural Resources, such as the Park
Service, State forests, and Wildlife Administra-
tion. Master plans for the future development of
State parks are produced and the Wild and Sce-
nic Rivers Program is administered by Land
Planning Services. Acquistion maps are prepared
for Department of Natural Resources land hold-
ings and environmental reviews of proposed proj-
ects are conducted by this section of the Capital
Programs Administration.
Shore Erosion Control Program provides techni-
cal assistance to property owners, communities,
and counties experiencing shore erosion problems;
administers the Shore Erosion Control Revolving
Loan Fund which provides interest-free loans for
project construction to qualified applicants; de-
signs and provides construction supervison, at no
cost, for State financed projects; evaluates the ef-
fectiveness of new materials and methods devel-
oped to control erosion; provides public educa-
tion on the causes and prevention of shore and
bank erosion; and makes assessments and recom-
mendations on the overall erosion problem in the
Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Program Open Space administers the funds
made available to local communities for open and
recreational space under the provisions of the
Outdoor Recreation Land Loan of 1969 and from
the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Ser-
vice, Land and Water Conservation Fund, U. S.
Department of the Interior. Program Open Space
coordinates the acquisition and development of
land for the use of all departmental agencies.
The Land and Property Management Program
was created within the Capital Programs Admin-
istration effective July 1, 1979. This Program con-
sists of six projects: 1. General Director; 2. Real
Property Control and Maintenance; 3. Fair Hill
Natural Resources Management; 4. Wye Island
Resources Management Area; 5. Monocacy Natu-
ral Resources Management Area; and 6. Deep
Creek Lake Natural Resources Management.
General Direction is responsible for the overall
coordination of the Land and Property Manage-
ment Program, which includes the budget prepa-
ration and administration as well as the planning
The Real Property Control and Maintenance
Project is responsible for all record keeping asso-
ciated with lands owned by the Department of
Natural Resources, including deeds, leases, ease-
ments, rights-of-way, etc. Effective July 1, 1979,
DNR agencies that manage land and improve-
ments prepare maintenance schedules that are
monitored by this section. This project also ad-
ministers Camp Echo Lake, the Historic Survey,
the Department's position on the C&O Canal
National Historical Park Advisory Commission,
and the Tawes Garden. This program is also re-
sponsible for the management and administration
of four areas: Fair Hill, Wye Island, Monocacy,
and Deep Creek Lake.
Chairperson: James B. Coulter
Constance Lieder, Wayne B. Cawley, Jr.
Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2230
The Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board was
created by Chapter 85, Acts of 1968, to review
the inventories, studies, and recommendations of
the Department of Natural Resources. The Board
consists of the Secretary of the Department of
Natural Resources, the Secretary of State Plan-
ning, and the Secretary of Agriculture. The Board
selects its own chairperson. By Chapter 612, Acts
of 1975, the Board adopted its present name and
had its membership altered. The board appoints,
with the advice and consent of the local gov-
erning body, a local Scenic and Wild Rivers Ad-
visory Board for each river included within the
scenic and wild rivers system. Each local board
consists of seven members of whom at least two
must be residents owning land contiguous to the
scenic or wild river, two must be residents of the
county where the river flows and who do not
own land contiguous to it, one represents the lo-
cal governing body, and two represent the appro-
priate soil conservation district. Each local board
selects its own chairperson. By Chapter 869, Acts
of 1978, provision was made for local advisory
boards for scenic or wild rivers that flow through
more than one county. The local advisory board
helps develop and review the studies and pro-
posed management plans prepared by the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources.
After completion of an approved management
plan, local jurisdictions, if they so desire, may es-
tablish local scenic river advisory boards to help
local government implement the plan (Chapter
962, Acts of 1978).
The Secretary of Natural Resources administers
the provisions of the Scenic and Wild Rivers Act.