232'/Maryland Manual
Donald L. Miller, 1981; Samuel D. Temple, 1981;
One South Calvert Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6322
The Board of Examining Moving Picture Ma-
chine Operators, created by Chapter 693, Acts of
1910, consists of three members appointed by the
Governor with the advice of the Secretary of Li-
censing and Regulation for two-year terms. One
member must be from the Maryland Fire Under-
writers Rating Bureau, one must be a licensed
moving picture machine operator and a member
of the Moving Picture Operators' Union, and the
third must be an exihibitor licensed to operate
motion picture machines. All members must have
had at least three years experience in this business
and must have resided in Baltimore City for at
least two years immediately before their appoint-
ments (Chapter 216, Acts of 1949).
The Board examines, licenses, and supervises
operators of moving picture machines in Balti-
more City only. Applicants are eligible for exami-
nation after six months work under a licensed op-
erator, and examinations are both written and
practical. The Board has power to suspend and
revoke licenses, which must be renewed annually.
It must meet at least once a month.
Under the provisions of the Regulatory Pro-
grams Evaluation Act of 1978, this Board will
terminate July 1, 1981.