State Agencies
Joel M. Matz, Director
1123 North Eutaw Street
Suite 202, Jackson Towers
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-5551
State Employment and Training Council
Chairman: Shoshana S. Cardin, 1982
Wesley Blakeslee, 1980; Lester Buster, 1980; Ber-
nard A. Carpenter, 1980; George E. Costango,
1980; Kathleen Hall, 1980; J. Brown Hardy,
1980; Frank 0. Heintz, 1980; Vacancy, 1980;
Lucille Maurer, 1980; Gretta A. Middleton,
1980; Vanessa Mullen, 1980; Myra S. Shapiro,
1980; Consandra A. Smith, 1980; Frank
Tajalle, 1980; Edward P. Thomas, 1980; Peter
P. Thomas, 1980; Catherine Benton, 1981;
Gerald Bilderback, 1981; George L. Bowler,
1981; John E. Boyer, 1981; Robert W. Cook,
1981; Sidney Daniels, 1981; Betty K. Gardner,
1981; Marian E. Goetze, 1981; Diane Hayes,
1981; Joseph D. Kennedy, 1981; Samuel J.
Lloyd, Jr., 1981; John E. Mann, 1981; John C.
Miller, 1981; Marion W. Pines, 1981; Howard
P. Rawlings, 1981; Brenda Shelley, 1981; Clar-
ence W. Blount, 1982; Thomas Bradley, 1982;
John L. Carnochan, Jr., 1982; Christopher W.
Chinault, 1982; Geneva dark, 1982; Joseph A.
Gagliardi, 1982; Clarence J. Harris, 1982; Ad-
dison S. Hobbs, 1982; David W. Hornbeck,
1982; Sharon Johnson, 1982; Alan B. Kutz,
1982; Vacancy, 1982; Ruth W. Massinga, 1982;
Joel M. Matz, 1982; Vacancy, 1982.
Balance of State Planning Council
Chairman: Robert Mavity, 1982
Elwood F. Adams, 1980; Robert C. Adams,
1980; Christopher W. Chinault, 1980; Roberta
J. Hall, M.D., 1980; Gary D. Lobdell, 1980;
Joseph W. Parran, 1980; David Stein, 1980;
Deborah D. Cooper, 1981; Frank 0. Heintz,
1981; Mary A. Maloney, 1981; Robert E.
Mitchell, 1981; Jack R. Nichols, 1981; Daniel
D. Pearce, 1981; Alexander Squire, 1981; H.
Gordon Trueman, 1981; Margaret D. Usilton,
1981; Veronica L. Wamer, 1981; Douglas S.
Allen, 1982; Joseph D. Carter, 1982; Timothy
W. Griffith, 1982; John W. Groutt, 1982; Nor-
man Moore, 1982; Jessie J. Reid, 1982; Roland
E. Powell, 1982; Edwin G. Richards, 1983;
Robert W. Cook, ex officio.
Human Resources/213
Balance of State Private Industry Council
Chairman: Robert W. Cook, 1982
William J. Argo, Jr., 1980; Ruth Chambers, 1980;
Beverly Hall, 1980; Addison Hobbs, 1980;
Freddy L. Mitchell, 1980; Edward Mohler,
1981; H. Eugene O'Brien, 1981; E. Carmel Wil-
son, 1981; William dark, 1982; Benjamin F.
Harrington, Jr., 1982; Virginia Layfield, 1982;
Claudia S. Maddox, 1982; Robert Mavity,
1982; E. Leslie Shaw, 1982; David Stein, 1982.
The Training and Employment Office, formerly
the State Manpower Planning Office, was created
by Executive Order on July 1, 1976, and was
renamed in 1979. An agency of the Department
of Human Resources, the Training and Employ-
ment Office administers appropriate sections of
the amended Comprehensive Employment and
Training Act (CETA) of 1978, P.L. 95-524.
CETA, as originally passed in 1973 and amended
in 1978, replaced in principle the expired Man-
power Development and Training Act (MDTA),
the Economic Opportunity Act (EOA), the Emer-
gency Employment Act (EEA), and the Coopera-
tive Area Manpower Planning System (CAMPS).
Created to serve the unemployed, underem-
ployed, and economically disadvantaged segments
of the general work force, the Comprehensive
Employment and Training Act provides funds di-
rectly to all eligible units of government (prime
sponsors) to implement employment and training
programs. Such programs include adult and
youth work experience, vocational classroom
training in demand occupational areas, public ser-
vice employment, summer youth employment, on-
the-job training in the private and public sectors,
and supportive client services such as outreach
and intake, client assessment and job counseling,
job development, and matching job applicants
with available positions. State government is the
prime sponsor for the counties of the Eastern
Shore and Southern Maryland. All other areas of
the State fall under the jurisdiction of local coun-
ty or city governments.
The Training and Employment Office has the
responsibility for meeting all federal grant appli-
cation requirements for the CETA program oper-
ated by the State prime sponsor and for imple-
menting the State prime sponsor programs at the
local level. As part of these requirements, the
Training and Employment Office provides staff
support for the Balance of State Planning Coun-
cil, which is appointed by the Governor. The
Council convenes to review and make recommen-