190/Maryland Manual
The Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Ad-
ministrators was established by Chapter 262,
Acts of 1970, to examine, license, and register
nursing home administrators.
The Board consists of nine members appointed
by the Governor upon the recommendation of the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene for
three-year terms. The Governor designates the
chairperson and the vice-chairperson, while the
Board appoints the executive secretary. The mem-
bership includes four individuals who are actively
engaged in the management and operation of a
nursing home, four persons other than nursing
home administrators who are actively engaged in
professions concerned with the care of the aged
and the chronically ill, and two consumer mem-
bers appointed with the advice and consent of the
Senate who cannot have been trained as nursing
home administrators or have financial interests in
a related field.
The Board establishes reasonable fees for the
issuance of licenses and biennial registrations and
enforces standards. It also develops appropriate
techniques and procedures for the issuance of li-
censes and, if necessary, may establish procedures
for the revocation or suspension of any license. In
addition, the Board establishes rules and regula-
tions for its operation and conducts a continuing
study of nursing homes and administrators of
nursing homes. The Board arranges for examina-
tions to be held at times and places to be deter-
mined by it and determines the subjects to be in-
cluded in examinations for licensure as well as the
training program necessary for prospective ad-
ministrators (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs. 768-780).
President: Thomas Filip, 1980
Secretary: Bonnie Moy, 1982
Carole Hays, 1981; Panelpha L. Kyler, 1982;
Charlotte G. Seltser, 1983.
201 W, Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2709
By Chapter 909, Acts of 1978, the Board of
Occupational Therapy Practice was created with-
in the Department of Health and Mental Hy-
giene. The Board consists of five members
appointed by the Governor on the recommenda-
tion of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hy-
giene. Occupational Therapy members are ap-
pointed from a list of nominees submitted by the
Maryland Occupational Therapy Association. The
Board includes three licensed occupational thera-
pists, one licensed occupational therapy assistant,
and one consumer member, appointed with the
advice and consent of the Senate, who cannot
have been trained as an occupational therapist or
have a financial interest in a related field. Mem-
bers serve for three-year terms.
The Board administers, coordinates, and en-
forces the provisions of the Maryland Occupa-
tional Therapy Practice Act (Chapter 909, Acts
of 1978), evaluates the qualifications of applicants
for licensure, and supervises the examinations of
applicants. It keeps a current list of licensed oc-
cupational therapists and occupational therapy
assistants, adopts rules and regulations to carry
out provisions of the law, and keeps records and
minutes as necessary for the orderly dispatch of
President: Bernard E. Rothman, O.D., 1981
Secretary: Marvin L. Getz, O.D., 1981
William A. Barnett, O.D., 1981; James Poland,
1983; Ivan Tellis, O.D., 1983.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-6461
This Board, created by Chapter 652, Acts of
1914, consists of six persons appointed by the
Governor upon the recommendation of the Secre-
tary of Health and Mental Hygiene for four-year
terms from a list submitted by the Maryland As-
sociation of Optometrists. The sixth member is a
consumer, appointed by the Governor on the rec-
ommendation of the Secretary with the advice and
consent of the Senate, who cannot have training
as an optometrist or a financial interest in a relat-
ed field. The Board administers the optometry
laws of the State and regulates the practice of op-
tometry. It examines, licenses, and registers. The
credentials of the applicant must comply with
standards set by the Board. For just cause the
Board may revoke any certificate of registration or
examination (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs. 268-286).
President: Robert B. Liskey, D.O., 1981
Secretary: Ernest R. MacDonald, D.O., 1981