State Agencies
and the forms management plans of each agency
for the purpose of simplifying or eliminating un-
necessary or duplicate State forms.
The Division also offers cost reimbursable mi-
crofilm services to all State agencies, including
both source document and computer output
Chairperson: Oden Bowie
Katharine Finney Baetjer, William S. James, Eu-
gene W. Leake
Secretary: Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, State Archi-
Robert Harold McGowan, Curator
Hall of Records
St. Johns' St. and College Ave.
P. 0. Box 828
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3915
The Commission on Artistic Property, original-
ly appointed by the Governor with the appro-
General Services/165
val of the Board of Public Works, was created by
Chapter 111, Acts of 1969. It consists of five per-
sons appointed by the Secretary of General Ser-
vices with the approval of the Governor to keep a
continuing inventory of valuable paintings and
other decorative arts in all State buildings in the
Annapolis area. The Commission also provides
for the location, proper care, custody, restoration,
display, and preservation of these paintings and
decorative arts. Every person, agency, or organi-
zation desiring to acquire for the State a painting
or other decorative art for display in a State
building or premises in the Annapolis area must
secure from the Commission both prior approval
and final acceptance, of the painting or decorative
art, with particular respect to the competence of
the artist or creator, the proposed location, and
the quality, historical significance, and appropri-
ateness of the work. The Commission is em-
powered, with the approval of the Secretary or
the Governor, to receive and accept gifts and
loans of paintings and other decorative arts. With
the approval of the Governor, the Commission
may accept gifts of money from any source, pub-
lic or private, and thereafter administer and ex-
pend the funds according to the conditions and
terms of the gift. The Secretary, with the approv-
al of the Governor, appoints one of the members
to serve as Chairperson. All of the members serve
at the pleasure of the Secretary (Code 1957, Art.
78A, sec. 52).