The Secretary is the chief executive officer of
the Department and is appointed by the Gover-
nor with the advice and consent of the Senate.
The Secretary provides the overall leadership for
the Department and has total authority and re-
sponsibility for assuring that the Department's
programs and services successfully meet the needs
of the agencies served. The Secretary sets policy,
promulgates roles and regulations, and deter-
mines the strategies necessary to efficiently and
effectively fulfill the Department's mandate. The
Secretary is responsible for the budget of the De-
partment and for the budgets of the boards, com-
missions, and offices that are under the Depart-
ment's jurisdiction.
Special duties of the Secretary include presen-
tation of the Department's portion of the Board
of Public Works agenda at the bi-monthly Board
meetings and serving as a member of the Inter-
ageney Committee for Public School Construc-
tion, the Executive Management Board for the
State Multi-Service Centers, the Hall of Records
Commission, and the General Professional Ser-
vices Selection Board. The Secretary is also re-
sponsible for appointing the seven members of
the Board of Architectural Review, the five mem-
bers of the Commission on Artistic Property,
and the five State members of the War Memorial
The Secretary is assisted in the administration
of the Department by the Deputy Secretary, As-
sistant Secretary, and four staff support units:
General Counsel, Personnel, Special Projects, and
Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance.
General Counsel
This unit represents the Department in legal
matters, including the purchase of land for both
Program Open Space and State construction proj-
ects, and renders legal advice to the Secretary and
other units of the Department.
This division administers functions related to
all phases of personnel management, including
staffing, promotion, position classification, disci-
plinary actions, compensatory leave, annual leave,
incentive awards, and pay administration.
Special Projects
This unit is responsible for the preparation and
submission of the Department's Resource Re-
quirement Report, Annual Report, rules and reg-
ulations, and fiscal note impact statements. This
unit is also assigned special projects by the Secre-
tary, Deputy Secretary, and Assistant Secretary.
Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance
This unit is responsible for administration of
the internal and external execution of the Gover-
nor's Executive Order relating to the Code of
Fair Practice.