148/Maryland Manual
The Tri-County Council for Western Mary-
land, Inc., was chartered as a nonprofit corpora-
tion on July 22, 1971, to serve Allegany, Garrett,
and Washington counties. The Council replaces
the Governor's Council for Appalachian Mary-
land, originally established in 1968. The Council
consists of nineteen voting members and two
non-voting members. The Governor, on August
9, 1971, certified that the Council was an entity
eligible for designation as a Local Development
District under the provisions of Section 301, Title
III, of the Appalachian Regional Development
Act of 1965, as amended (P.L. 89-4).
The purpose of the Council is to function as a
cooperative economic, social, and cultural devel-
opment agency within Allegany, Garrett, and
Washington counties by developing a comprehen-
sive development plan for the region served; pro-
viding liaison with local, State, and federal agen-
cies; preparing data and studies to support com-
prehensive development planning, including the
recommendation of projects and activities to meet
the public service needs of the region; and provid-
ing assistance in the implementation of the State's
Appalachian development program in the region.
The Council is functioning under a grant from
the Appalachian Regional Commission covering
65 percent of its operating costs.
Jack L. Carr, Historical and Cultural Liaison
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2717
Created in 1976 and operating as part of the
Division of Local and Regional Development, the
Historical and Cultural Liaison office assists the
following state commissions and councils dealing
with various aspects of the state's historic, cultur-
al, and ethnic environment: The Maryland Histor-
ical Trust, St. Mary's City Commission, Maryland
State Arts Council, Commission on Afro-Ameri-
can History and Culture, Commission on Indian
Affairs, and the Commission on Ethnic Affairs.
Chairperson: Dr. Roland C. McConnell
Vice-Chairperson: Dr. Louis R. Harlan
Rev. James J. Fuller, Phebe R. Jacobsen, Mary S.
Johnson, William H. Kiah, Elizabeth Oliver,
Verda F. Welcome, Angeline F. Williams
Commissioner emeritus: Dr. Benjamin Quarlcs
Carroll Greene, Jr., Executive Director
20 Dean Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2893
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3648
Originally known as the Maryland Commission
on Negro History and Culture, this Commission
was created by Chapter 435, Acts of 1969, and
consisted of seven recognized authorities on Afro-
American history and culture appointed by the
Governor and assigned to the Department of
Economic and Community Development. Chapter
627, Acts of 1971, created a new Commission of
nine members, all appointed by the Governor for
three-year terms. The Governor designated both
the chairperson and the vice-chairperson. By an
Executive Order dated December 27, 1971, the
Commission was assigned to Morgan State Col-
lege. The Commission was reassigned to the De-
partment of Economic and Community Develop-
ment and its name changed to the Commission
on Afro-American and Indian History and Cul-
ture by Chapter 386, Acts of 1974. Chapter 120,
Acts of 1976, created the single-purpose Commis-
sion on Afro-American History and Culture as a
permanent Commission.
The present Commission consists of nine mem-
bers appointed by the Governor. The Governor
designates both the chairperson and the vice-
The Commission acts as statewide coordinator
and clearinghouse in preserving evidence of the
black experience in Maryland. It specializes in
historical preservation and research, unearthing
and collecting historical materials—art objects,
memorabilia, manuscripts, photographs, and oth-
er articles of significance to black history and cul-
ture in the State. The Commission maintains art
and historical exhibits in Annapolis and Balti-
more. It also provides exhibits and resource mate-
rials to the community at large and to local edu-
cational systems and institutions within the State.
In addition, the Commission conducts a continu-
ing statewide historic landmark survey to locate
and identify those sites and buildings significant
to the black experience in Maryland.