State Agencies
1982; Grover K. Walker, 1982; Prank C. Dow-
ney, 1983; Earl C. Robertson, 1983; Mrs. Edna
M. White, 1983.
Carol L. Aragon, Executive Secretary
Parole Plaza Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2332
The Maryland Agricultural Fair Board, created
by Chapter 463, Acts of 1937, and Chapter 493,
Acts of 1947, and renamed by Chapter 85, Acts
of 1980, consists of nine members appointed by
the Governor for three-year terms. The Board en-
courages and fosters agriculture through the pro-
motion and assistance of bona fide agricultural
fairs and exhibits. It extends financial assistance
to qualifying organizations for premium awards
to exhibitors of agricultural displays (Code Agri-
culture Article, secs. 10-301 through 10-303).
Chairperson: F. Grove Miller, 1984
Ex officio members: Wayne A. Cawley, Jr., Secre-
tary, Department of Agriculture; William S.
James, State Treasurer
Appointed members: William E. Burall, 1981;
Bradford Reeves, 1981; Charles Zepp, 1981;
John R. Sherwood III, 1983; T. Allan Stradley,
1983; George Wills, 1983; Erna R. Chapman,
1984; Samuel C. Linton, Jr., 1984.
Alan R. Musselman, Executive Director
Parole Plaza Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2331
The Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation
Foundation was created by Chapter 784, Acts of
1977. The Foundation is governed and adminis-
tered by a Board of Trustees composed of the
State Treasurer and the Secretary of the Maryland
Department of Agriculture, both of whom serve
as ex officio members, and nine at large members
from the State who are appointed by the Gover-
nor, at least five of whom must be farmer repre-
sentatives from different areas of the State and
one non-farm representative, who is a representa-
tive of the Department of State Planning. The
chairperson of the Board of Trustees is appointed
by the Governor from among the nine at large
trustees. The Foundation employs an Executive
Director appointed by the Secretary upon recom-
mendation of the Board of Trustees at large.
Agriculture/13 3
The principal responsibility of the Foundation
is to implement the Agricultural Land Preserva-
tion program promulgated in the Agriculture Ar-
ticle, secs. 2-501 through 2-515, of the Maryland
Annotated Code.
The intent of the program is to preserve pro-
ductive agricultural land and woodland in Mary-
land, to provide for the continued production of
food and fiber, to curb the extent of urban
sprawl, and to protect agricultural land and
woodland as open space.
The program is voluntary on the part of land-
owners and is dependent upon the cooperation of
local governments, which appoint five-member
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Boards.
Landowners may initiate by agreement with
the Foundation the creation of Agricultural Pres-
ervation Districts, in which subdivision and de-
velopment are restricted for at least five years.
The creation of a District results in the protection
of normal agricultural activities and in the eligi-
bility of landowners to make application to sell a
development rights easement. The Foundation
may acquire easements based upon the availabili-
ty of funds as allocated by the counties, in accord
with a competitive formula provided by law and
subject to local recommendation and appraisal.
Easements acquired are effective for at least twen-
ty-five years.
In addition, the Foundation may receive by
gift, devise, bequest, or grant easements in gross
or other rights to restrict the use of agricultural
land and woodland (Code Agriculture Article,
secs. 2-501 through 2-515).
Chairperson: John T. Stegmaier, 1984
Robert Black, 1981; Edward W. Hepburn, 1981;
Andrew H. Lohr, Jr., 1982; Theodore Steg-
maier, 1982; Allen Baugher, 1983; John Rine-
hart, 1983.
Joseph P. Cox, Secretary
13 West High Street
Hancock 21750 Telephone: 678-6770
The Maryland State Apple Commission was
created by Chapter 628, Acts of 1947. The seven-
member Commission is appointed to four-year
terms by the Governor from a list of fruit grow-
ers approved by the executive committee of the