132/Maryland Manual
Soybeans are the second most important crop
in Maryland. The Mexican bean beetle is the prin-
cipal insect pest of this crop. The economic dam-
age to soybeans by the Mexican bean beetle can
be largely eliminated by making inoculative re-
leases of a small wasp, Pediobius foveolatus, which
is parasitic on the beetles. In addition to control-
ling the Mexican bean beetle, this energy-efficient
method reduces the cost of control and also re-
duces the pesticide burden on the environment.
The Assistant Secretary provides general super-
vision to the Program Supervisors and coordi-
nates the activities of the office with other
programs in the Department and with other lo-
cal, State, and federal officials. In addition, he is
responsible for managing active cooperative
agreements with local, county, State, and federal
agencies involving $780,000 annually (Code Agri-
culture Article, 1975 Supp., secs. 5-301 through
5-312 and 5-401 through 5-405).
Ronald L. Johnson, Director
Parole Plaza Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2181
The Marketing Division provides programs and
services designed to serve all segments of the
economy through the market system from produc-
er to consumer. Programs include: market im-
provement projects to improve quality and pre-
sentation of agricultural commodities and enhance
consumer acceptance; international marketing;
market news and statistical reporting service in
conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture; and an active consumer marketing informa-
tion program (Code Agriculture Article, secs.
10-101 through 10-204; 10-501 through 10-504;
10-601 through 10-606; 10-701 through 10-708;
10-801 through 10-807; 10-901 through 10-909).
Chairperson: H. George Kemp, nursery, 1982
Vice-Chairperson: Donald A. Wilber, poultry,
Ex officio member: Frank L. Bentz, Jr., University
of Maryland
Appointed Members: Melvin E. Leppo, member
at large, 1981; F. Grove Miller, Farm Bureau,
1981; Frederick 0. Mitchell, member at large,
1981; C. Rodman Myers, Grange, 1981; J. Wal-
ter Hastings, Jr., veterinary, 1982; Leon B. En-
field, dairy, 1982; Donald E. Lippy, field crops.
1982; Warren McWilliams, vegetables. 1982;
William E. Sylvester, member at large, 1982;
Roy V. Beauchamp, poultry. 1983; Harry G.
Black, horticulture, 1983; John L. King, Jr.,
dairy, 1983; William I. King, livestock, 1983;
Guy H. Hall, tobacco, 1983.
Ernest C. Shea, Executive Secretary
Parole Plaza Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2332
The Maryland Agricultural Commission, creat-
ed by Chapter 552, Acts of 1968, succeeded the
Agricultural Advisory Board established by
Chapter 470, Acts of 1961. The Commission has
as its chief function the advancement of Mary-
land agriculture and serves as an advisory body
to the Secretary of Agriculture on all matters per-
taining to agriculture. The Commission formu-
lates and makes proposals for the advancement of
agriculture, assists in the promotion of Maryland
agricultural industries and products, and advises
the Department of Natural Resources on pro-
posed wetland regulations.
The Commission consists of seventeen members
of whom the principal administrative officer for
agricultural affairs of the University of Maryland
serves ex officio. The remaining sixteen members
are appointed by the Governor for three-year
terms as follows: two representing the dairy seg-
ment; two representing the poultry segment; one
the livestock segment; one the tobacco segment;
one the nursery segment; one the horticulture seg-
ment; one the field crop segment; one the vegeta-
ble segment; one from the veterinary profession;
one nominated by the Maryland State Grange;
one nominated by the Maryland Farm Bureau;
and three appointed at large from services related
to agriculture. No appointed person may serve
more than two consecutive terms. The Commis-
sion selects its own officers (Code Agriculture
Article, secs. 2-201 through 2-205).
Chairperson: Frank Donaldson Brown, Jr., 1982
Gordon Wartield, 1981; John M. Crurn, 1981;
Richard N. Wills, 1981; Gerald B. Truitt, Jr.,