JOHN WILLIAM QUADE, Democrat, District 29. Born in Oakley, February 16,
1947. Attended Margaret Brent High School; Charles County Community College;
St. Mary's College, B.A., 1971; University of Baltimore Law School. Real estate as-
sociate. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps; received Purple Heart, Vietnam Service
with Cluster, and other service medals. St. Mary's Code Committee, 1977 - 1978; St.
Mary's Citizens Advisory Council, 1976- 1978; Project Basic, 1977—. Member,
Disabled Veterans; Fleet Reserve Association; VFW; State Watermen's Association;
National Historical Society; 5th and 4th Democratic Clubs of Charles County; St.
Mary's County Tax-Payers Association. Unmarried. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1979. Annapolis office: 216 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3267.
HOWARD P. RAWLINGS, Democrat, District 40. Born in Baltimore, March 17,
1937. Attended Baltimore public schools; Morgan State University, B.S., 1958; Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, M.S., 1959; University of Maryland. College teacher; mathe-
matician. Member, Governor's Desegregation Task Force for Public Post-Secondary
Education, 1973 - 1974; Maryland Council for Higher Education Committee for the
Enhancement of the Black Colleges and Universities, 1974. Vice-president for
Programs, Maryland NAACP, 1978-1979; president. Community Health Council
of Maryland, 1975 - present; chairman. University of Maryland Hospital Communi-
ty Advisory Group, 1976—1978; board member, Antioch University, Homestead-
Montebello Center, 1976-present. Afro-American Newspaper Honor Roll, 1972,
1974; Maryland NAACP Award for Committee Leadership, 1977; UMES Chancel-
lor's Award, 1978; Outstanding Service Award by the Maryland Association of
Equal Opportunity Personnel, 1978. Married; 3 children. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1979. District office: 3502 Sequoia Ave., Baltimore 21215; tel.
367-1199. Annapolis office; 317 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-2726.
ROBERT S. REDDING, Democrat, District 23. Born in Seat Pleasant, June 6,
1930. Attended Prince George's County public schools; Prince George's Community
College; University of Maryland; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1969.
Served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Member, Maryland State and Prince George's
County Bar Associations. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971.
District office: P.O Box 370, 14746 Main St., Upper Marlboro 20870; tel. 627-6969.
Annapolis office: 203 Lowe Bldg., 21401; Tel. 269-2741.
CATHERINE 1. RILEY, Democrat, District 6. Born in Baltimore, March 21, 1947.
Attended Bel Air parochial and public schools; Towson State College, B.A., 1969.
Chairperson, Joint Energy Committee; member, Environmental Matters Committee.
Member, National Order of Women Legislators. Member, Board of Directors, Unit-
ed Way of Central Maryland. Member of many civic and political organizations.
Listed in Outstanding Young Women of America, 1978. Received Young Democrat of
the Year Award, 1975. Listed in Who's Who in Maryland Politics. Unmarried. Mem-
ber of the House of Delegates since 1975. District office: 20 Office Street, Bel Air
21014, tel. 838-7010. Annapolis office: 326 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-2587.