80/Maryland Manual
WENDELL H. PHILLIPS, Democrat, District 41. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., No-
vember 19, 1934. Attended Westinghouse High School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
Virginia Union University, B.S.; Penn State University; Colgate-Rochester Divinity
School, M.Div.; University of Rochester Ordained clergyman; pastor, Heritage
United Church of Christ. U.S. Civil Rights Commission Advisory Board, 1968-
1970. President, Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, 1977—; delegate. First
Conference of Christians, Israelis, and Palestinians, 1976; past president, NAACP of
Rochester, N.Y. Active in Civil Rights movement. Married; I child. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. District office: 3608 Mohawk Ave., Baltimore 21207;
tel. 367-3600. Annapolis office: 319 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-2726.
JOHN A. PICA, JR., Democrat, District 43. Born in Baltimore, April 1, 1952.
Attended Mt St Joseph High School; Villanova University, B.A., 1915; The Johns
Hopkins University, Loyola College, M.B.A., 1977; University of Baltimore Law
School. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Annapolis office. 321 Lowe
Bldg, 21401; tel. 269-2726
MARK O. PILCHARD, Democrat, District 36. Born in Pocomoke City, March 20,
1924. Attended Stockton High School. Farmer and hybrid corn agent. County Com-
missioner at large, Worcester County, 1966-1978 (president of Board, 1974-
1978). Past director, Maryland Pork Producers, Inc.; Crescent Lodge AF & AM of
Pocomoke, 32 degree Mason; Shriner; past president and life member, Pocomoke
City Jaycees; past vice-president, Maryland Junior Chamber of Commerce. Past di-
rector, Voters, Inc.; past member, Shad Landing Recreational Committee, president,
Delmarva Advisory Council; member, Board of Directors, Maryland Association of
Counties; past member, Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Counties;
member, Delmarva Water Transport Committee; member, Nassawango Country
Club. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates,
1959 - 1966, 1979 — . District office: "Shimar," R.F.D. 3, Box 100, Pocomoke City
21851; tel. 632-0473. Annapolis office; 413 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3865.
JOAN PITKIN, Democrat, District 24. Born in New York, N.Y. Attended Bayside
High School, Bayside, N.Y.; University of Vermont; University of Connecticut; Co-
lumbia University. Formerly employed in publishing field Former director, Bowie
Health Center; president, Bowie Health Center Auxiliary; director. City of Bowie
and Bowie State College Fine Arts Society, member, Bowie Cultural Arts Commis-
sion, past public relations officer. Prince George's Federation of Women's Clubs;
PTA officer, charter member, Bowie Citizen's Association; charter member, Bowie
Woman's Club, Inc. Co-founder, Belair Cooperative Nursery School; active in Boy
and Girl Scouts and Bowie Chapter of National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Past
member. Prince George's Mental Health Association. Married; 4 children. Member
of the House of Delegates since 1979. District office: 12005 Long Ridge Lane, Bowie
20715; tel 262-6117 or 262-0538. Annapolis office: 208 Lowe Bldg, 21401; tel.