786/Maryland Manual
Prerogatives, Royalties, Liberties, Immunities,
and royal Rights, and temporal Franchises what-
soever, as well by Sea as by Land, within the Re-
gion, Island, Islets, and Limits aforesaid, to be
had, exercised, used, and enjoyed, as any Bishop
of Durham, within the Bishoprick or County Pal-
atine of Durham, in our Kingdom of England,
ever heretofore hath had, held, used, or enjoyed,
or of Right could, or ought to have, hold, use or
V. AND WE do by these presents, for US, our
Heirs and Successors, MAKE, CREATE and CON-
STITUTE HIM, the now Baron of BALTIMORE,
and his Heirs, the TRUE and ABSOLUTE LORDS
and PROPRIETARIES of the Region aforesaid, and
of all other the Premisses (except the before
excepted) saving always the Faith and Allegiance
and Sovereign Dominion due to US, our Heirs,
and Successors; to HAVE, HOLD, POSSESS, and EN-
JOY the aforesaid Region, Islands, Islets, and
other the Premisses, unto the aforesaid now Bar-
on of BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs and
Assigns, to the sole and proper Behoof and Use
of him, the now Baron of BALTIMORE, his
Heirs and Assigns, forever. To HOLD of US,
our Heirs and Successors, Kings of England, as
of our Castle of Windsor, in our County of
Berks, in free and common SOCCAOE, by Fealty
only for all Services, and not in Capite, nor by
Knight's Service, YIELDING therefore unto US,
our Heirs and Successors, TWO INDIAN ARROWS
of those Parts, to be delivered at the said Castle
of Windsor, every Year, on Tuesday in Easter-
week: and also the fifth Part of all Gold and Sil-
ver Ore, which shall happen from lime to Time,
to be found within the aforesaid Limits.
VI. Now, That the aforesaid Region, thus by us
granted and described, may be eminently distin-
guished above all other Regions of that Territory,
and decorated with more ample Titles, KNOW
YE, that WE, of our more especial Grace, certain
Knowledge, and mere Motion, have thought fit
that the said Region and Islands be erected into a
PROVINCE, as out of the Plenitude oi om royal
Power and Prerogative, WE do, for Us, our Heirs
and Successors, ERECT and INCORPORATE the
same into a PROVINCE, and nominate the same
MARYLAND, by which name WE will that it
shall from henceforth be called.
VII. AND forasmuch as WE have above made
and ordained the aforesaid now Baron of
of the whole PROVINCE aforesaid, KNOW YE
therefore further, that WE, for Us, our Heirs and
Successors do grant unto the said now Baron, (in
whose Fidelity, Prudence, Justice, and provident |
Circumspection of Mind, WE repose the greatest
Confidence) and to his Heirs, for the good and
happy Government of the said PROVINCE, free,
full, and absolute Power, by the Tenor of these
Presents, to Ordain, Make, and Enact LAWS, of
what kind soever, according to their sound Dis-
cretions, whether relating to the Public State of
the said PROVINCE, or the private Utility of
Individuals, of and with the Advice, Assent, and
Approbation of the Free-Men of the same
PROVINCE, or of the great Part oi them, or of
their Delegates or Deputies, whom WE will shall
be called together for the framing of LAWS,
when, and as often as Need shall require, by the
aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, and his
Heirs, and in the Form which shall seem best to
him or them, and the same to publish under the
Seal of the aforesaid now Baron of
BALTIMORE, and his Heirs, and duly to exe-
cute the same upon all Persons, for the Time be-
ing, within the aforesaid PROVINCE, and the
Limits thereof, or under his or their Government
and Power, in Sailing toward MARYLAND, or
thence Returning, Outwardbound, either to
England, or elsewhere, whether to any other Part
of Our, or of any foreign Dominions, wheresoever
established, by the Imposition of Fines, Imprison-
ment, and other Punishment whatsoever; even if
it be necessary, and the Quality of the Offence re-
quire it, by Privation of Member, or Life, by him
the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, and
his Heirs, or by his or their Deputy, Lieutenant,
Judges, Justices, Magistrates, Officers, and
Ministers, to be constituted and appointed ac-
cording to the Tenor and true Intent of these
Presents, and to constitute and ordain Judges,
Justices, Magistrates and Officers, of what Kind,
for what Cause, and with what Power soever,
within that Land, and the Sea of those Parts, and
in such Form as to the said now Baron of
BALTIMORE, or his Heirs, shall seem most fit-
ting: And also to Remit, Release, Pardon, and
Abolish, all Crimes and Offences whatsoever
against such Laws, whether before, or after Judg-
ment passed; to do all and singular other Things
belonging to the Completion of Justice, and to
Courts, Praetorian Judicatories, and Tribunals, ju-
dicial Forms and Modes of Proceedings, although
express Mention thereof in these Presents be not
made; and, by Judges by them delegated, to
award Process, hold Pleas, and determine in those
Courts, Praetorian Judicatories, and Tribunals, in
all Actions, Suits, Causes, and Matters whatsoev-
er, as well Criminal as Personal, Real and Mixed,
and Praetorian: Which said Laws, so to be
published as above said, WE will, enjoin, charge,
and command, to be the most absolute and firm
in Law, and to be kept in those Parts by all the
Subjects and Liege-Men of US, our Heirs and |