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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 785   View pdf image (33K)
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Charter of Maryland/.785


CHARLES, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland. France, and Ireland, KING, Defender of the
Faith, &c. To ALL to whom these Presents shall come, GREETING.

11. WHEREAS, our well beloved and right trusty
Subject C^CILIUS CALVERT, Baron of
BALTIMORE, in our Kingdom of Ireland, Son
and Heir of GEORGE CALVERT, Knight, late
Baron of BALTIMORE in our said Kingdom of
Ireland, treading in the Steps of his Father, being
animated with a laudable, and pious Zeal for
extending the Christian Religion, and also the
Territories of our Empire, hath humbly besought
leave of US, that he may transport by his own
Industry, and Expense, a numerous Colony of the
English Nation, to a certain region, hereinafter
described, in a Country hitherto uncultivated, in
the parts of America, and partly occupied by
Savages, having no Knowledge of the Divine
Being, and that all that Region, with some cer-
tain Privileges, and Jurisdiction, appertaining
unto the wholesome Government, and State of
his Colony andi Region aforesaid, may by our
Royal Highness be given, granted, and confirmed
unto him, and his heirs.
III. KNOW YE therefore, that WE, encouraging
with our Royal Favour, the pious and noble Pur-
pose of the aforesaid Baron of Baltimore, of our
special Grace, certain Knowledge, and mere Mo-
and by this our present CHAPTER, fui US, our
Heirs, and Successors, do GIVE, GRANT, AND
CONFIRM, unto the aforesaid C^ECILIUS, now
Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs, and Assigns,
all that Part of the Peninsula, or Chersonese, lying
in the Parts of America, between the Ocean on
the East, and the Bay of Chesapeake on the West,
divided from the Residue thereof by a Right Line
drawn from the Promontory, or Head-Land,
called Watkin's Point, situate upon the Bay afore-
said) near the River uf Wighco, on the West, unto
the Main Ocean on the East; and between that
Boundary on the South, unto that Part of the
Bay of Delaware on the North, which lieth under
the Fortieth Degree of North Latitude from the
^Equinoctial, where New-England is terminated:
And all the Tract of that Land within the Metes
underwritten (that is to say) passing from the said
Bay, called Delaware Bay, in a right line, by the
degree aforesaid, unto the true Meridian of the
first Fountain of the River of Pattowmack, thence
verging toward the South, unto the further Bank

of the said River, and following the same on the
West and South, unto a certain place called
Cinquack, situate near the Mouth of the said
River, where it disembogues into the aforesaid
Bay of Chesapeake, and thence by the shortest line
unto the aforesaid Promontory or Place called
Watkin's Point; so that the whole Tract of Land,
divided by the Line aforesaid, between the Main
Ocean, and Watkin's Point, unto the Promontory
called Cape-Charles, and every the Appendages
thereof, may entirely remain excepted for ever to
US, our Heirs and Successors.
IV. ALSO WE do GRANT, and likewise CONFIRM
unto the said Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs,
and Assigns, all Islands and Islets within the
Limits aforesaid, all and singular the Islands, and
Islets, from the Eastern Shore of the aforesaid
Region, toward the East, which have been, or
shall be formed in the Sea, situate within Ten ma-
rine Leagues from the said Shore; with all and
singular the Ports, Harbors, Bays, Rivers, and
Straits belonging to the Region or Islands afore-
said, and all the Soil, Plains, Woods, Mountains,
Marshes, Lakes, Rivers, Bays, and Straits, situate,
or being within the Metes, Bounds, and Limits
aforesaid, with the Fishings of every kind of Fish,
as well of Whales, Sturgeons, and other royal
Fish, as of other Fish, in the Sea, Bays, Straits, or
Rivers, within the Premisses, and the Fish there
taken: And moreover all Veins, Mines, and Quar-
ries, as well opened as hidden, already found, or
that shall be found within the Region, Islands, or
Limits aforesaid, of Gold, Silver, Gems, and pre-
cious Stones, and any other whatsoever, whether
they be of Stones, or Metals, or of any other
Thing, or Matter whatsoever: And furthermore
churches which (with the increasing Worship and
Religion of CHRIST) within the said Region, Is-
lands, Islets, and Limits aforesaid, hereafter shall
happen to be built, together with Licence and
Faculty of erecting and founding Churches, Cha-
pelsi and Places of Worship, in convenient and
suitable Places, within the Premisses, and of caus-
ing the same to be dedicated and consecrated ac-
cording to the Ecclesiastical Laws of our King-
dom of England, with all, and singular such,
and as ample Rights, Jurisdictions, Privileges,

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 785   View pdf image (33K)
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