County Agencies
Area: 331 sq. miles
North Washington St.
Easton 21601 Telephone: 822-2611
(Circuit Court)
Telephone: 822-2750
(District Court)
Court Terms:
Circuit Court-Grand Jury and Petit Jury, last
Monday in February and September.
Orphans' Court Days-Tuesdays, 11:00 AM-
12:00 noon, 2:00-3:30 PM
Circuit Court Resident Judge
Harry E. dark.. .. ...1983
Circuit Court Clerk
John T. Baynard ................ .1982
District Court Judge
John Cannon North 11 ............ .1981
James Stewart, Administrative Clerk . . .
Mary G. Koste, Clerk
Orphans' Court Judges
J. Tolson Cockey, Chief Judge ........1982
Earl M. Clague ....... 1982
E. Frank Connolly ............... .1982
Register of Wills
C. Kenneth Dullin ................1982
George Benjamin Forrest, Sr. .........1982
State's Attorney
Sidney Sawyer Campen, Jr. ......... .1982
District Public Defender
John W. Sause, Jr. .
County Council
Easton 21601 Telephone: 822-2401
Meeting Days: Tuesdays, 1:30 PM
County Council
Richmond W. Hill, President .........1982
Herbert L. Andrew III .............1982
Clinton S. Bradley III............. .1982 |
Talbot County/511
James C. Perkins ................. 1982
H. T, Slaughter 1982
County Manager
(Appointed by the County Council)
Albert K. Wood
Mary C. Foster, Clerk .............
Charles W. Collett, Attorney .........
Supervisor of Assessments
Henry V. Trippe .................
Property Tax Assessment Appeal Board
Norman J. Fike, Chairperson ......... 1979
William Benson 1982
B. Hope Harrison 1983
James M. Wales, alternate ..........1983
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Earle B. Wood .................. 1981
John T. Cockey, Jr. 1981
Joseph H. Secrist, Jr. .............. 1981
Alden Adkins, substitute ............1981
L. Lee Coulby, substitute ........... 1981
Director of Civil Defense
Alexander Bowdle, Jr. .............
Richmond W. Hill, alternate .........
Deputy Medical Examiner
R. Lane Roth, M.D. ..............
Health Officer
Eugene Guthrie, M.D. .............
Board of Education
Charles G. Pritchett, Chairperson ......1980
Christopher Henderson . 1979
Margaret Trever ................. 1980
Robert M. Valliant ............... 1980
Edzel Turner .... 1981
Sara Lou Casson ................. 1982
Robert E. Vanderpool 1982
Superintendent of Schools
Norman J. Moore
Talbot County Free Library Board of Trustees
Mrs. Thomas Hunlei Lowe, President . . . 1982
Dickson J. Preston, Vice-President ..... 1979
Mrs. Perry Schofield, Secretary ....... 1979
Joseph F. Moore, Jr., Treasurer ....... 1982
Herbert L. Andrew III, County Council .
Mrs. Bertram Benedict ............. 1979
Mrs. Joseph C. Bantum, Sr. ......... 1980
F. Clay Buckhout 1980
Mrs. Ronald C. Lenthall ........... 1980
Mrs. William Fauntleroy ...........1982
Ann Stinson Gillelan .............. 1982 |