510/Maryland Manual
Zoning Inspector
James Windsor
Planning and Zoning Commission
Edwin D McGee, County Commissioner
Donald M Pnce 1981
Robert L Chamberlain, Jr 1982
Banes Layfield 1982
Don Ramsay 1982
Julian C Tyier 1982
Charles Bruce 1984
Board of Zoning Appeals
Robert A Pinto, Jr , Chairperson 1980
Horace Webster 1979
William Overholt 1980
Stanley Pruitt, alternate 1980
Frank Carey, alternate 1981
Sanitary Commission
Robert C Street, Sr, Chairperson 1980
Russell Ward, Secretary 1979
Mahlon D Pnce 1982
Janice Marshall 1984
Area Redevelopment Board
(Appointed by the Board of County
John W Tawes, President and Director
George Kemp, Vice-President and
Thomas S Simpkins, Treasurer and
Cindy Wilson, Secretary and
Area Redevelopment Committee
Charles Bruce
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners,
ex offlClo
William Daugherty, Clerk
Roads Engineer
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners as per Chapter 616, Acts
of 1959)
Charles E Bnddell
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Samuel Doane 1981
Richard Swift 1981
Mary Ann Ward 1981
Minnie Marshall, alternate 1979
Liquor Control Board
Allen F Matthews, Chairperson 1979 |
Charles L Muir, Secretary 1979
Carl L Outten 1979
Extension Agents
Geraldine W Hammond
Leon Johnson
JuneW Rhodes
Richard B Sterrett
Joseph W Trumbauer
two vacancies
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Fredenck W Nelson, Chairperson 1981
William Ralph Smith, Vlce-Chalrperson 1979
Cecil Schrock (County appointee),
Willard L Smith, Sr 1980
William Cottman 1982
Joseph W Trumbauer, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting)
County Seat Easton 21601
Ongin The form of the creation of this county is
not known, but it was probably by virtue of an
order of the Governor in Council It was in ex-
istence by February 18, 1661/62, when a wnt
was issued to the shenff
Name Named after Grace Talbot, sister of
Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore
Form of Government Charter (1973)
Population, 1970
Talbot County 23,682
Dist 1, Easton 11,167
Dist 2, St Michaels 4,413
Dist 3, Trappe 3,366
Dist 4, Chapel 2,761
Dist 5, Bay Hundred 1,975
Estimated Population, 1979 26,800 |