50/Maryland Manual
LAURENCE LEVITAN, Democrat, District 15. Born in Washington, D.C., Octo-
ber 22, 1933. Attended Washington, D.C., public schools; Washington and Lee Uni-
versity, B.S., 1955; George Washington Law School, J.D., 1958. Admitted to Mary-
land Bar, 1964. Past officer and director, Regency Estates Citizens Association and
Regency Estates Swim Club; past president and trustee, Georgetown Hill Elementa-
ry School PTA. Officer and director, Montgomery County Heart Association. Mem-
ber, Montgomery County Financial Advisory Committee. 1968- 1970. Chairman,
Joint Committee on Management of Public Funds. Member, Governor's Commission
to Study Unification of the Circuit Court; Governor's Commission to Study School
Construction Programs; Tax Assessments Study Task Force Committee; Fiscal
Affairs Committee, Southern Legislative Conference; Special Committee to Finance
Agricultural Land Preservation; Joint Legislative Committee on Port of Baltimore.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1971 - 1974. Member of the Senate
since 1975. Chairman, Budget and Taxation Committee since 1979. District office:
11426 Georgetown Dr., Potomac 20854; tel. 656-0915. Annapolis office: 100 James
Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3542.
JOSEPH J. LONG, SR., Democrat, District 36. Born in Delmar, July 19, 1921.
Attended public schools in Salisbury and Delmar; Paynter Business School. Electri-
cian. Served with the U.S. Air Force, 1942- 1946. Former member, Salisbury City
Council. Member, Governor's Commission to Study Public Employee Labor
Relations; Governor's Commission to Study the Revision of the Child Labor Laws;
Governor's Advisory Committee on Elevators. Vice-chairman, Joint Committee to
Review the Unemployment Insurance Laws; Joint Committee to Study the State
Economy. President, Young Democratic Club of Wicomico County, 1960-1961.
Member, Salisbury Democratic Committee. Member, International Association of
Electrical Inspectors; Farm Bureau; Moose; American Legion. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1963. Chairman, Wicomico County Delegation since
1967. Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor and Management of Economic Matters
Committee since 1968. Chairman, Joint Governor's Commission on Study of Mobile
Homes, 1976 to present. District office: 730 S. Park Drive, Salisbury 21801; tel.
742-9032. Annapolis office: 206 James Bldg. 21401; tel. 269-3619.
FREDERICK C. MALKUS, JR., Democrat, District 35. Born in Baltimore, July 1,
1913. Attended Dorchester County public schools; Western Maryland College, A.B.,
1934; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1938. Served with U.S. Army
during World War II. Trustee, Western Maryland College. Married. Member of
House of Delegates, 1947 - 1951. Member of the Senate since 1951. Chairman of the
Committee on Judicial Proceedings, 1955 -1966. Member of Legislative Council
(now Legislative Policy Committee) since 1955. President Pro Tern since 1975. Dis-
trict office: 500 Spring St., P.O. Box 316, Cambridge 21613; tel. 228-7230. Annapolis
office: Pres. Wing, James Bldg., 21401; tel 269-3328.
EDWARD J. MASON, Republican, District 1. Born in Cumberland, June 12,
1930. Attended Cumberland parochial schools; University of Maryland; Strayer's
Business College, certificate, 1951. Restaurant properietor. Served in the U.S. Air
Force, 1949—1955. Chairman, Republican State Central Committee of Allegany
County, 1969 - 1970. Member, board of directors, Allegany County Economic De-
velopment Corporation. Vice-president, Maryland Federation of Young
Republicans. President, Allegany County Young Republicans. Member, National
Restaurant Association. Member, board of directors. Western Maryland Chamber
of Commerce; Route 40 Association. Outstanding Young Republican in Maryland,
1968. Outstanding Young Republican in Allegany County, 1967-1968. Married.
Member of the Senate since 1971. Minority Leader since 1974. Member, Legislative
Policy Committee. District office: Rt. 2, Box 102-A, Cumberland 21502; tel.
777-2168. Annapolis office; 407 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3039.