Samuel Aiken......... 1982
Everett MacCauley, Jr. .............1983
Board of Parks and Recreation
Charles Dennison, Chairperson ....... .1980
James M. Abrams ............... .1980
Joseph E. Ayers ................. .1980
Joan Byerly .....................1980
William R. Edmanson 1980
Christopher C. Mench ............. .1980
Chariton L. Poist ................ .1980
Jail Board
(Appointed by the Board of County Com-
missioners as per Chapter 203, Acts of
Daniel J. Brown ...... 1980
Samuel F. duPont ..... 1981
Austin L. Jenkins, Jr. ............. .1982
Economic Development Commission
(Appointed by the Board of County Com-
missioners as per Chapter 302, Acts of
Benjamin F, Harrington, Jr„ Chairperson ,1979
Electrical Board
Walter Granger ..................1979
G. Burton Powell ................ .1979
Charles McCoy ..................1980
Philip Bathon ........1981
Howard F. Delp ...... 1981
Plumbing Board
(Appointed by the Board of County
Willard G. Bryan, Chairperson ........1979
Edgar E. McMillan, Jr. . 1979
William A. Sumner 1979
Plumbing Inspector
(Appointed by the Board of County
Sterling G. Brown ...............
Building Inspector
(Appointed by the Board of County
Merritt B. Dean .......
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Edward H. Williams, Chairperson ......1981
Virginia Davidson.................1982
Willard dark......... 1983
Alcoholic Beverages Inspector
(Appointed by the Board of County Commis-
sioners as per Chapter 699, Acts of 1968)
Herrel Curry, Jr. ................ |
Roads Supervisor
(Appointed by the Board of County
Edmon H. Deriiiger ...............
Animal Control Commission
(Appointed by the Board of County
Ann Mechling ................ 1979
Extension Agents
Richard Bauerle .....,,,
Bernardine Coleman ....,,,
Donna Lattemer .....,,,
Janet L. Shank ......
Jay Glenn Shortall................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Floyd Allred, Jr., Chairperson ........ 1981
William B. Baker (County appointee) . . .
Carl C. Stafford ................. 1979
Alfred Workman . . 1980
Edgar B. Hevelow ................ 1982
Jay Glenn Shortall, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting)..............
County Seat: La Plata 20646
Origin: Created by an Order in Council of 1658.
It is not to be confused with an earlier Charles
County (1650-1653) known as Old Charles
Name: Named for Charles Calvert, son and heir
of Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
Population, 1970:
Charles County . . . 47,678
Dist. 1, La Plata ................ .4,707
Dist. 2, Hill Top ................. 1,364
Dist. 3, Nanjernoy ................ 2,442 |