Hunter Brinker ..................1982
Argus F. Robinson ............... .1983
Lowell Howard, alternate .......... .1983
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Paul C. Dennis .................. .1981
J. Victor McCool ................ .1981
Geraldine F. Russell .............. .1981
Nancy Lee Herman, substitute ........1981
Kennard W. Merrey, substitute ....... .1981
Director of Civil Defense
John J. Ward, Jr. ................
Henry A. Metz, alternate ...........
Deputy Medical Examiner
Tillman D. Johnson, M.D. ..........
Health Officer
Vacancy ......................
Hospital Board
James A. Crothers 11,
President. ....................
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Elma Gates, Chairperson ............ 1979
Board of Education
James A. Wilson, Jr. ...............1979
Lester W. Roane .................1980
Kathryn S. Ward ................ .1981
Dr. Leroy Manlove ................1982
Frances M. Hubis .................1983
Superintendent of Schools
George L. Barrick................
Cecil Community College, Board of Trustees
Dr. Robert L. Cell, President ........
Frank H. Harris ..................1980
Evelyn Kay ..... .........1980
Virginia White Brown ............. .1981
Rodney Smith ...................1982
Daniel Hall .....................1983
Jeanette L. Cole ................. .1984
Elizabeth Obenshain ...............1985
Board of Library Trustees
Isabelle C. Lynch .................1979
Morton F. Taylor .................1979
William B. Calvert ............... .1980
Mrs. James Crothers .... .....1981
Evans McKmney .................1983
Argus F. Robinson ............... .1983
Rebecca Smith ...................1983
Grace P. Slocum ................ |
Social Services Board
Rev. Robert C. Prior, Chairperson . . . . . 1979
Philip S. Bathon ... . . .. 1979
John N. Williams ................ 1979
Herman Gonzalez ................ 1980
F. Grove Miller .................. 1980
Donald Gee .................... 1981
Mary T. Johnson ................. 1981
Eva Muse...................... 1981
Director of Social Services
John R. Koch ...................
Commission on Aging
Jane Cantera, Chairperson...........
Planning Commission
Ernest L. Bannister, Chairperson ...... 1981
Robert C. Adams, County Commissioner .
Leroy Scott .................... 1979
George H. Ashbridge .............. 1980
William D. Fossett ............... 1980
Sally Cairns .................... 1982
James R. Bolton ................. 1983
Zoning Inspector
Ronald T. Speers.................
Road and Utility Inspector
Earl F. Adams ..................
Alan Stetson ....................
Design Engineer
James A. Ryan ..................
Director of Public Works
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners as per Chapter 484, Acts
of 1971)
Barry G. Belford .................
Director of Planning and Economic
Allan S. Davis ..................
Board of Zoning Appeals
John D. Moomaw, Chairperson ....... 1981
Robert Cameron ................. 1981
G. William England ............... 1981
Norman H. Hasson, Sr. ............ 1981
Mrs. Edward A. Mechling .......... 1981
Building Code Appeal Board
(Appointed by the Board of County
Harvey D. Boyce, Chairperson ........ 1980
H. A. Hageman ................. 1979
William Scott ................... 1981
George Wilson, alternate ........... 1981 |