Lloyd W. Jones, Director ...........
Tax Collector/Accounting Officer
Eugene C. Curfman .....,,,
Data Processing
Thomas Van de Bussche ...........
Economic Development Commission
(Appointed by the Board of County
Charles Bennett, Chairperson ........ .1979
Dr. James P. Earp, Director .........
Board of Governors of the Farm Museum
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners, Board of County
Commissioners Resolution 10-65, adopted
June 28,1965)
Allan Waelchli, Chairperson ......... .1981
Emma Hofferberth, Director.........
Community Action Committee
Louis V. Beard, Chairperson .........
Sanitary Commission
(Carroll County Code, Art. 7, sees.
439A-439AA; the Commission became
part of the Department of Public Works
by Chapter 739, Acts of 1978, effective
July 1,1979.)
Lloyd Baker, Chairperson ............1981
Samuel E. Breth, Vice-Chairperson ......1979
Zygmunde C. Sobak, Secretary-Treasurer .1982
William H. Heinekamp .............1980
A. Olin Grimes ................. .1982
Earl R. Fox, Administrator ..........
Director of Public Works
(Created by Chapter 739-, Acts of 1978)
John L. Annacost, Director .........
Associate Director of Public Roads,
Elbert Koontz ........
Associate Director of Public Roads, Development
Andrew M. Daneker ..............
Vehicle Maintenance and Motor Pool
Charles Warfield ................
General Engineering Division
Steven Hudgins, Chief.............
Park and Recreation and Grounds
(Annotated Code of Maryland, Art. 25,
sees. 222.230) |
Bruce Hildebrand, Director ..........
Vacancy, Chairperson..............
Department of Building Permits and
Russell T. Morgan, Jr.. Director .......
Forest Geiman, Chief Plumbing
Inspector ......................
Roy Ford, Chief Electrical Inspector ....
Buildings Supervisor
Karl Alexander ..................
Central Communications Control
Clarence Souders ... ...,,
Catonsville Community College Branch
Henry Link, Administrator ..........
Delores Snyder, Chairperson .........
Camp Hashawha Board of Governors
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners, Board of County
Commissioners Resolution 26-76)
Robert E. Biddinger, Chairperson ......
Mr. & Mrs. George Rhoten, Caretakers .
Board of License Commissioners
(Annotated Code of Maryland, Art. 2B)
Eugene Willis, Chairperson .......... 1980
Herbert Liggon .................. 1979
Walter V. Bennett . . . 1981
M. Dwight Bouis, Inspector ..........
Extension Agents
Robert L. Jones, County Extension
Chairperson ....................
Walter C. Bay ......
Mike Ensor ....,,.,.,,......
David L. Greene .................
Sharon Grobaker.................
Deborah A. Jones ................
Robert Shirley ..................
Janice M. Watkins ................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Carroll M. Wilhide, Chairperson ...... 1979
W. Wilson Lippy, Vice-Chairperson . . . . 1980
J. Stanley Harrison ............... 1979
Charles R. Myers ................ 1981
John Parker Smith ................ 1982
Charles E. Null, District Manager .....
John H. Sanders, District
Conservationist ..................
County Seat: Elkton 21921 |