Director of Civil Defense
Stover V. Rohrer ................
Deputy Medical Examiner
Richard A. Jones, M.D. ...........
Health Officer
Ruth H. Singer, M.D. .............
Mental Health and Alcoholism Advisory
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners, Chapter 125, Acts of
Brooke Bourexis, Chairperson .........1979
Janet Evans .....................1979
Helen Farabaugh .................1979
Dr. Deogracias Faustino . 1979
Roger Himler....................1979
Brenda Hollingsworth . . . 1979
Brooks Leahy ...................1979
Peter J. Street .................. .1979
Robert Thacker ..................1979
Mrs. Frank Kushner .............. .1981
Dr. Howard G. Lanham ........... .1981
Prof. Donald Patrick .............. .1981
Rev. James Talley ...........1981
Richard Walters ..................1981
Sherrill Adkins ..................
Board of Education
Elizabeth Gehr, Chairperson ..........1980
Philip S. Benzil, Vice-Chairperson ......1982
Jeff Griffith .....................1982
Thomas Fletcher .................1984
Edward T. Lippy .................1984
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Olin L. Adams, Jr. ............
Board of Library Trustees
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners, Annotated Code of
Maryland, Education Article, sees. 23-301
and 23-303)
Delmar E. Riffle ................. .1979
Charles Beck ...................1980
Col. James Comings .............. .1981
Mrs. Kenneth Holniker ............ .1981
MarySobak ...........1982
Vacancy ,,,,..........
Martha M. Makosky ,..,.,,.,..,,,
Social Services Board
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners, Annotated Code of
Maryland, Art. 88A, sec. 14)
Allan W. Roadcap, Chairperson .......1981 |
Roger L. Mann, County
Commissioner . ...
Kenneth L. Bohn ................ 1979
Pastor Claude Hughes ....... ...1979
Helen K. Wittee . . . . 1979
Mrs. Philip B. Schaeffer ............ 1980
Evelyn Smith ............. ... 1980
Edith Study ....... 1980
Rev. Frederick P. Eckhardt . . . . 1981
Director of Social Services
Lowell T. Haines.................
Commission on Aging
(Board of County Commissioners Resolu-
tion 19-72 pursuant to Chapter 1, Acts of
Stephen Lerda, Chairperson .......... 1981
Hospital Board
lrvin Goodman, President ........... 1980
J. Norman Graham, County
Commissioner .............
Charles Graf, Administrator .........
Planning Commission
(Board of County Commissioners Ordinance
No. 12, October 31, 1974, pursuant to
Chapter 672, Acts of 1970, as amended)
Harry B. Dougherty, Chairperson ...... 1980
Roger L. Mann, County Commissioner . .
E. Miller Richardson .............. 1979
Russell H. Brehm ................ 1981
Fred P. Esbrandt ................. 1983
Director of Planning
Edmund R. Cueman ..............
Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Solveig Smith ...............
Board of Zoning Appeals
Walter M. Baggs, Chairperson ........ 1979
Edmund J. Nusbaum .............. 1980
Woodrow Raver ................ 1981
Devries Herring, 1st alternate ........
Carroll M. Wilhide, 2nd alternate .....
James Norvell, Secretary............
Historic District Commission
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners, Annotated Code of
Maryland, Art. 66B, sec. 8.03)
Bernard S. Devilbiss .............. 1979
Donald R. Hull .................. 1979
Robert E. Myers ................ 1979
Mrs. J. Howard West ........ ... 1979
H. Jerry Fair... ...... 1980
Mrs. Marion Townsend ............ 1981 |