State Agencies
Prince George's County, Fruit Research at Han-
cock in Washington County, the Sharpsburg Re-
search Center, the Dairy-Agronomy Research
Farm near Ellicott City, a Horse Research Farm
near Jessup in Howard County, and a Livestock
Research Farm at Springfield in Carroll County.
Research on vegetables, corn, soybeans, and oth-
er field crops is conducted at Wye Institute in
Queen Anne's County, at the Poplar Hill Farm,
and at the Poultry-Vegetable Research Farm near
Salisbury in Wicomico County. Broiler produc-
tion research is also conducted at the latter site.
The United States Department of Agriculture
supports agricultural research on the University
of Maryland Eastern Shore Campus. There is the
requirement that the University pursue a coordi-
nated program. Farms and facilities for research
are available to faculties on both campuses and,
through planning, undesirable duplication of ef-
fort is prevented.
Symons Hall
University of Maryland
College Park 20742 Telephone: 454-3742
The Cooperative Extension Service was
established by federal and state laws in 1914. It is
supported by Federal, State, and county funds
(Chapter 247, Acts of 1914).
In its role as the "off-campus out-of-class-
room" arm of the University of Maryland, the
Extension Service uses a number of different
methods to offer its educational programs, includ-
ing personal consultations, direct mail,
publications, radio, television, workshops,
institutes, short courses, and various other
One of the strengths of the Extension Service is
its uniquely effective system of educational
resources information. Offices and staffs in all
twenty-three Maryland counties and Baltimore
City bring the University of Maryland close to
the people. Field staffs rely on campus extension
specialists to provide up-to-date, meaningful in-
formation. State administrative offices and most
of the specialists are on the College Park Cam-
pus. The Cooperative Extension Service is noted
for its programs in agriculture, home economics,
4-H and youth, energy and marine sciences, and
community and resource development. There is
now Federal funding tor the University of Mary-
land Eastern Shore component of Cooperative
Extension. The University of Maryland Eastern
Shore carries special responsibility in Cooperative |
Independent Agencies/333
Extension for programs that relate to small and
part-time farmers, housing education, the Spanish
speaking population, and youth programs for new
and previously unreached clientele. As Maryland
has grown and changed, the needs of its people
have altered. Extension has been quick to re-
spond to high priority needs of people and is
broadening its program scope to better serve
more people. This has meant adjusting resources
to give more attention to such concerns as farm
management, marketing, safety, waste disposal,
pollution abatement, land use, human develop-
ment, consumer competence, money management,
low income programs in nutrition and health,
work with the aging, the handicapped, and disad-
vantaged and urban youth.
Administrative Offices
Box 775
Cambridge 21613 Telephone: 228-9252
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Box 35
Solomons 20688 Telephone: 326-4281
Marine Products Laboratory
Box 351
Crisfield 21817 Telephone: 968-1655
College Park Station
Box 659
College Park 20740 Telephone: 454-5641
Appalachian Environmental Laboratory
Frostburg State College
Gunter Hall
Frostburg 21532 Telephone: 689-3115
The Center for Environmental and Estuarine
Studies was established by the Board of Regents
in 1970. The Center, in cooperation with the Uni-
versity campuses, conducts studies of environmen-
tal problems important to the State of Maryland.
The program includes research in fields that have
environmental significance, direct service to State
agencies and to the public, technical education,
and, in collaboration with the campuses, instruc-
tion at the academic level.
The Center has administrative offices and facili-
ties at the Horn Point Environmental Laboratories
on a 720-acre site on the Choptank River near
Cambridge. This property was originally given to
the City of Cambridge by the late Francis P.
DuPont and was conveyed by Cambridge to the
State of Maryland for use by the University |