332/Maryland Manual
Law, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work,
and Community Planning offer both professional
and graduate instruction. Complementing these
schools are the University Hospital, the Institute
of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, and the
Health Sciences Library. The Maryland Institute
for Emergency Medical Services is also centered
on the campus.
The Baltimore County (UMBC) Campus is lo-
cated in Catonsville at the southeast corner of the
intersection of the Baltimore Beltway and
Wilkens Avenue. Undergraduate offerings include
a range of programs in the arts, sciences, and hu-
manities, including professional and pre-profes-
sional programs in teacher education, social
work, nursing, pharmacy, dental hygiene, medical
technology, physical therapy, pre-law, pre-dental,
pre-medical, and combined degree programs in
medicine, law, and dentistry. Graduate programs
are developing and include doctorates in applied
mathematics, biochemistry, experimental biology,
and policy sciences, as well as masters degrees in
applied sociology, community clinical psychology,
biological and medicinal chemistry, and instruc-
tional systems development.
At College Park instruction is offered at under-
graduate and graduate levels in a wide variety of
disciplines. There are the Colleges of Agriculture,
Business and Management, Education, Engineer-
ing, Human Ecology, Journalism, Physical Edu-
cation, Recreation and Health, and the Schools of
Architecture and Library and Information
Services. The schools, colleges, and departments
are within the divisions of (1) Agricultural and
Life Sciences, (2) Mathematical and Physical
Sciences and Engineering, (3) Behavioral and So-
cial Sciences, (4) Arts and Humanities, and (5)
Human and Community Resources.
The Eastern Shore Campus (UMES) is located at
Princess Anne. This campus offers baccalaureate
degree programs within three divisions: (1) Liberal
Studies, (2) Professional Studies, and (3) Experi-
mental Studies. There are teaching degree areas and
non-teaching degree areas including agriculture, art
education, biology, building construction, business
administration, chemistry, elementary education,
English, history, industrial education, human ecolo-
gy, mathematics, music education, physical educa-
tion, social sciences education, and sociology. Mi-
nor areas include economics, foreign languages,
political science, and physics. The initial years of
nursing and pharmacy are offered at UMES. There
is a master's program in guidance and counseling.
University College has its administrative
headquarters and its conferences and institutes |
center at College Park. As stated above. Universi-
ty College administers the adult and continuing
education programs of the University of Mary-
land with fiscally self-supporting courses and
programs offered in the late afternoon and eve-
ning on the several campuses and at off-campus
centers throughout the State of Maryland. Uni-
versity College also maintains overseas centers for
United States military personnel and civilians lo-
gistically supported by U.S. government agencies
abroad in the European, Atlantic, and Far East
Divisions. In addition, University College,
through its Conferences and Institutes Division,
has an extensive series of non-credit adult
courses, seminars, workshops, and institutes.
Since 1972 University College has operated an
"open university" program in cooperation with
the Open University of Great Britain.
Each campus operates one or more summer
The Graduate School embraces all of the grad-
uate programs of the University with liaison
among the campuses maintained by a Vice Presi-
dent for Graduate Studies and Research and
through the President's Advisory Committee for
Graduate Studies and Research.
Symons Hall
University of Maryland
College Park 20742 Telephone: 454-3707
The Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station
was established following passage of the Federal
Hatch Act in 1887. The Act made available to
the states grants-in-aid for the conduct of re-
search pertaining to agriculture and now both
State and Federal funds support these activities.
The administrative headquarters are located on
the College Park Campus, as well as laboratories
for research in the animal and plant sciences, ag-
ricultural engineering, agricultural and resource
economics, rural sociology, and home and
consumer economics. Provisions are made for
maintenance of experimental herds, flocks, field
and tree plots and for investigations of soils and
insect and disease control (Chapter 55, Acts of
1888, as amended).
Research is conducted at nine locations
throughout the State with particular attention to
the type of farming dominant in the respective
locations. These include the Plant Research Farm
near Fairland in Montgomery County, the Tobac-
co Research Farm near Upper Mariboro in |