State Agencies
Chairpenon: J. Max Millstone, Secretary of Gener-
al Services
Constance Lieder, Secretary of the Department oj
State Planning; W. Minor Carteri Chairperson,
Capital City Commission
Department of General Services
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3960
The Council on the State Capital was created
by Chapter 850, Acts of 1975, to advise and act
for the Board of Public Works on the impact of
State Programs on the City of Annapolis and to
manage the Paca Gardens. "The Council consists
of the Secretary of the Department of General
Services, the Secretary of the Department of State
Planning, and the Chairperson of the Capital City
Commission, all of whom serve ex officio. The
Board of Public Works appoints the Chairperson
(Code 1957, Art. 78A, sees. 14A and 14D; Art.
41, sec. 181E).
Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland; James
dark, Jr.; President of the Senate; Benjamin L.
Cardin, Speaker of the House of Delegates; Gen.
Orwin C. Talbott, Director, Maryland Historical
Non-voting associates: William Elder, Mrs.
Charles W. Williams.
Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, Secretary
Maryland Hall of Records
P. 0. Box 828
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3915
The State House Trust, created by Chapter
199, Acts of 1969, consists of the Governor of
Maryland, the President of the Senate, the
Speaker of the House of Delegates, and the des-
ignee of the Chairperson of the Maryland Histor-
ical Trust, who act as the trustees. The Trust is
to have supervision over the use of, exhibits in,
and all improvements, alterations, additions,
landscaping, and repairs to the State House as
well as to the buildings and grounds within the
area known as State Circle in Annapolis. The
trustees may appoint from one to three non-vot-
ing associates who are qualified by experience
and interest in historical preservation. "The Trust
is to retain an architectural consultant (Code
1957, Art. 41, sees. 407-408). |
Independent Agencies/323
State Prosecutor: Gerald D. Glass,
' Assistant State Prosecutors: Neal M. Janey; Gerald
C. Ruter
One South Calvert Street
Suite 1508
Baltimore 21202 Telephone; 383-7677
"The Office of the State Prosecutor was created
as an independent unit in the Executive Branch
and for administrative purposes only is within the
Office of the Attorney General.
The State Prosecutor is nominated by the
State Prosecutor Selection and Disabilities Com-
mission and appointed by the Governor with the
advice and consent of the Senate for a term of
six years.
The State Prosecutor may, on his own initia-
tive, or at the request of the Governor, the
General Assembly, the Attorney General, or a
State's Attorney investigate criminal offenses
under the State election laws; criminal offenses
under the State conflict of interest laws;
violations of the State bribery laws in which
an official or employee of the State or of a
' political subdivision of the State or of any
bicounty or multi-county agency of the State
was the offerer or offeree, or intended offerer
or offeree, of a bribe; offenses constituting
criminal malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfea-.
sance in office committed by an officer or em-
ployee of the State or of a political subdivision
of the State or of any bicounty or multi-coun-
ty agency of the State; and violations of the
State extortion, perjury, and obstruction of jus-
tice laws related to any activity described
above. Furthermore, at the request of either
the Governor, Attorney General, General As-
sembly, or a State's Attorney the State Prose-
cutor may investigate criminal activity conduct-
ed or committed partly in this State and
partly in another jurisdiction, or which is con-
ducted or committed in more than one politi-
cal subdivision of the State.
If the State Prosecutor finds an alleged viola-
tion, he shall make a confidential report of his
findings, together with any recommendations for
prosecution, to the Attorney General and the
State's Attorney having jurisdiction to prosecute
the matter. However, a report and recom-
mendations containing allegations of an offense
committed by a State's Attorney need not |