316/Maryland Manual
nor appoints one voting member to serve as its
Chairperson and he serves at the Governor's plea-
The Authority has the power to conserve, control,
and use for beneficial service the storm and flood wa-
ters of the rivers and streams of the Potomac River
watershed in the District. The Authority also has the
power to finance the non-federal costs of the Bloo-
mington Dam Project for water supply (Code Natu-
ral Resources Art., sees. 8-501 through 8-515).
Chairperson: Leonard Rosenberg, 1980
Vice-Chairperson: Ross Jones, 1979
Caswell Caplan, 1981; Rebecca E. Can-oil, 1983;
Charles P. Howard, 1981; Jack Luskin, 1980;
A. A. Roberty, 1983; Mary Robinson, 1980-,
Julius H. Taylor, 1979; David W. Hombeck,
Frederick Breitenfeld, Jr., Executive Director
Warren S. Park, Jr., Director of Programming and
William F. Hallstead III, Director of Development
and Information Services
Bruce T. Herget, Acting Director of Engineering
Phyllis A. Hammond, Director of Administrative
Schwartz and Woods, Legal Counsel
\ 1767 Bonita Ave.
Owings Mills 21117 Telephone: 356-5600
The Maryland Public Broadcasting Commis-
sion, originally created by Chapter 202, Acts of
1966, as the Maryland Educational-Cultural Tele-
vision Commission, had its functions expanded by
Chapter 645, Acts of 1967, when it became
known as the Maryland Educational-Cultural
Broadcasting Commission. The Commission was
created to develop, operate, and maintain a sys-
iem of State, regional, and local facilities to pro-
vide educational and cultural television and radio
programming throughout Maryland.
The Commission consists of eleven members
appointed by the Governor for five-year terms. The
Governor designates the Chairperson and the Vice
Chairperson of the Commission. One of the
members must be the State Superintendent of
Schools and two other members are designated by |
the State Board of Education. Members are chosen
because of their interest in public education, librar-
ies, art, music, drama, higher education, the televi-
sion and radio industries, or other categories to be
chosen by the Governor to bring special competence
to the Commission's membership (Code Education
Article, sees. 24-201 through 24-206).
Chairperson: James K. CuUen, 1980
Norman P. Ramsey, 1980; William W. Cahill, Jr.,
Alan H. Murrell, The Public Defender
Alfred J. O'Ferrall III, Deputy Public Defender
District No. 1: Baltimore City
James W. Murphy, Chairperson
Charles H. Dorsey, Jr., William A. Hegarty, M.
Peter Moser, Arnold M. Zerwitz.
Norman N. Yankellow, District Public Defender
District No. 2: Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset,
and Worcester counties
Lloyd L. Simpkins, Chairperson
Walter C. Anderson, George E. Bahen, Edward
H. Nabb, Henry P. Walters.
Patrick L. Rogan, Jr., District Public Defender
District No. 3: Queen Anne's, Talbot, Cecil, Car-
oline, and Kent counties
Kenneth A. Wilcox, Chairperson
L. Edgar Brown, David C. Bryan, Ernest S.
Cookerly, Zcb H. Stafford.
John W. Sause, Jr., District Public Defender
District No. 4: Charles, S& Mary's, and Calvert
George W. Bowling, Chairperson
Thomas F. Mudd, James A. Keeney III, Franklin
B. Olmsted, Thomas L. Starkey. |