c/o Georgia Duffee
Fourth Floor
One South Calvert Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-6355
At the request of the General Assembly the
Acting Governor created the Study Commission
on Workmen's Compensation Coverage in No-
vember 1978 (Res. No. 5, Acts of 1978). The
Commission is to consider the problem of indus-
trial health and the adequacy of Workmen's Com-
pensation coverage, and to report to the Governor |
with recommendations as to areas where legisla-
tion may be necessary.
The Commission consists of fifteen members:
three from industry, three from labor, two who
are physicians experienced in the field of industri-
al health, one from the mutual insurance compa-
nies, one from the stock insurance companies, one
from the self insured employers, and two from
the Governor's Commission to Review Laws
Governing the Workmen's Compensation Laws,
all appointed by the Governor. |