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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 279   View pdf image (33K)
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1100 N. Eutaw Street
Room 611
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-5636
The Governor's Task Force on Title XX Plan-
ning was created by the Acting Governor on Sep-
tember 20, 1978. It is charged with making
recommendations to the Department of Human
Resources and to the Governor for developing a
mechanism to increase the level of voluntary sec-
tor and public participation in the State's Title
XX planning process. Title XX of the federal So-
cial Security Act, enacted in 1975, provides mon-
ey to states for planning, administration, and de-
livery of social services.
Chairperson: Linda L. Ramaley
Herbert Brown, Donald R. 'Currier, Arthur
Donnan, H. Joseph Edwards, Richard E. Ev-
ans, Sandra S. Hillman, Harry W. Kelley,
Sonia G. Maher, Per Moller, W. Marshall
Rickert, Elizabeth S. Smith, Nicholas J. Smith
III, Michael J. Sprague, Edward P. Thomas,
Paul R. Wall.
P. 0. Box 66
Centreville 21617 Telephone: 758-2300
or 269-3174
Created by the Acting Governor in August
1978 at the request of the General Assembly (Res.
No. 51, Acts of 1978), the Task Force consists of
one person nominated by the Maryland Associa-
tion of Travel Executives, one person nominated
by the Maryland Hotel and Motor Inn Associa-
tion, one person nominated by the Maryland As-
sociation of Campgrounds, one person nominated
by the Maryland State Chamber of Commerce,
one person nominated by the Maryland Restau-
rant Association, two members of the Senate
nominated by the President, two members of the
House of Delegates nominated by the Speaker,
and six persons representing the public at large.
The Task Force is charged with the preparation of
a report to the General Assembly, the Depart-
ment of Economic and Community Development,
and the Governor by December 1979. The Task
Force will recommend a strategy for increasing
tourism and will offer specific proposals for new
attractions and promotion campaigns.
Chairperson: Richard Schifter
Vi/*e-^'h/J^rrwrvnn'\Ma^v Ann ICir^

JoAnn T. Bell, Alfred E. Burk, Eric L. Byrd,
Robert Cook, Jack Epstein, Rev. Walter P.
Fogarty, Rita Gordon, Ron Head, Joan H.
Hodous, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Clarke Langrall,
Sr„ Ernest LeFever, Adrian McCardell, Mrs.
John M. McGough, Stephen W. McNierney,
Paul J. Mason, E. T. Myers, Toni Parker, Kit-
ty Shoap, Sheila Tolliver, Rabbi Mitchell
Wholberg, Eugene J. Zander.
Suite 1000
600 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037 Telephone: (202) 342-3526
The Values Education Commission was created
by the Acting Governor in January 1979 at the re-
quest of the General Assembly (Res. No. 26, Acts
of 1978). The Commission is to identify and assess
ongoing programs in moral and values education
in Maryland's schools. It is to report to the Gov-
ernor with recommendations toward implementa-
tion of values education in the curriculum.
The Commission, balanced in its State and lo-
cal representation, consists of representatives
from the State Department of Education, State
government. State Board of Education, a local
school board, the Maryland Congress of Parents
and Teachers, curriculum specialists, school
teachers, principals and counselors, clergy (Judeo-
Christian sector), youth, the Chamber of Com-
merce, labor and industrial development, media,
sports, service organizations, and the public at
Chairperson: Thomas E. Cinnamond
Dominic N. Fornaro, Martin E. Gerel, Patricia
A. Harness, Erroll Hay, Alvin Lloyd, Douglas
MacNab, Thomas O'Day, William A.
Pillsbury, M.D., Maurice J. Pressman,
Raymond A. Richards, W. Bradley Wallace,
David Wilson, James 0. Zavodny, Grace Ziem,
Ex officio members: Charles J. Krysiak,
Chairperson, Workmen's Compensation Commis-
sion; Harvey A. Epstein, Commissioner, Division
of Labor and Industry; Benjamin D. White, M.
D„ Assistant Secretary for Health, Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene.
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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 279   View pdf image (33K)
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