Charles R. Buck, Jr., Secretary of Health ana
Mental Hygiene; David W. Hombeck, State Su-
perintendent of Schools; R. Adam Cowley, Direc-
tor of the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medi
Executive Director: William L. Carson, Director.
Transportation Safety, Department of Transpor
P. 0. Box 8755
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 787-7157
The Committee was established July 1, 1972.
The Governor may appoint additional members to
serve at his pleasure. The Committee acts as the
central coordinating agency in the planning and
execution of highway safety programs. The Execu-
tive Director is the Administrative Officer for the
committee and is in general charge of its work.
Responsibility for administration of the State's
highway safety program has been vested in the
Department of Transportation. By Executive Or-
der, the Secretary of Transportation has been des-
ignated as the Governor's Highway Safety Repre-
sentative and has been delegated the Governor's
powers and authority for the highway safety pro-
gram, which have been redelegated by the
Secretary to the Division of Transportation |
< Safety. The former Office of Highway Safety Co-
• ordinator was incorporated into this Division
• (Code Transportation Article, sees. 2-401 through
- 2-409).
- Lewis J. Baker, Chairperson, 1981
Frederick K, Schoenbrodt, 1981; Vacancy
P. 0. Box 8755
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 787-7311
By Chapter 418, Acts of 1978, the General As-
sembly established a Department of Transporta-
tion Board of Contract Appeals, effective July 1,
1978. The law provided for the appointment of
an attorney, who would be designated
Chairperson and serve on a full-time basis, and
two part-time members.
Jurisdiction of the Board extends ". . . over all
disputes, other than labor disputes, arising under
a contract with the Department, or as a result of
a breach of contract with the Department. . . ."
A contractor may appeal a contract dispute to
this Board if he is not satisfied with the decision
previously rendered by the Administrator of the
agency with whom he is under contract. |